The 10 NYC Commandments, as written on a discarded mattress on Second Street between Avenue A and First Avenue...
1. There is only 1 God (Money)
2. Honor thy lease
3. Don't covet thy neighbor
4. Don't worship false presidents
5. Do not lie (except on dates)
6. Do not steal (except from work)
7. I am a fucking jealous God
8. Do not forsake NY
9. Sunday is a day of brunch
10. Do not kill your dream
Courtesy of Adrian Wilson ...
Is that supposed to be witty/funny? FAIL.
The last one is "Do not kill YOUR dream" if you look closely.
Thanks 7:04
Boo. Thou shalt throw out thy mattresses with bed bugs then attempt to be clever.
Painfully unfunny
11. don't quit your day job
ah, it's not so bad
To the Mattress Author,
Seek help...quick.
Garbage with a sense of humor is better than garbage without I suppose. But so hacky lately. Maybe, y'know, workshop these ideas a bit before putting them out on the street. Take some pride in your jokes.
Looking forward to the supposedly superior creative contributions of the commentariat here
It looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed every single day.
If your memory foam mattress breaks, does that mean it has amnesia?
I love this.
"a day of brunch" so corny
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