Updated 9/10: Given today's rain, the march has been postponed until next Thursday — Sept. 17.
Students, parents and teachers from District 1 will be gathering on Seventh Street and Avenue B tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon to rally for a safer return to school this fall
Here are details about the March for Our Schools and Our Lives via the EVG inbox...
Please join schools and community allies from across District 1 for a March for Our Schools and Our Lives, Thursday, Sept. 10, 3-5 p.m.
At a time when we should be investing new resources into our under-funded schools to get kids back to learning, parents back to work, and the economy up and running, school budgets across NY State have been decimated making educating our kids challenging for a normal year. The State’s funding cuts have made it all but impossible to open schools safely during the pandemic.
For that reason schools across District 1 have joined forces to demand better for our children, our teachers, our families and our entire community because our lives literally depend on it.
The march will end at City Hall.
Students are set to arrive for in-person classes on Sept. 21. Many public school teachers reported back to their schools yesterday in the first phase of the system reopening.
Transfer the budget from East River Park ecocide project to the schools, Simple.
@6:28 PM
Well said.
But that pits teachers unions, students and parents against contractors with paper bags full of money for DeBlasio. I don't have to tell you who wins.
Unfortunately thats federal money earmarked for specific use. If we don't use it for that it goes back to federal pot for other projects.
The March has been rescheduled to the rain to a week from today: Thursday 9/17 at 3PM Tompkins Sq Park at Av B and 7th St
Only $325 million of the $1.45 billion is federal funds. Easy: spend the federal $ on interim flood protection and go back to the original plan of berms along FDR Dr. Destroying the entire park is pure boondoggle and pure evil. It won't take only 5 years, won't protect from storm floods until completed, and losing our only greenspace during the pandemic & economic crisis is a whole new trauma for the community. Call gov Cuomo to keep our park 100% open thru Covid!
@7:19 AM
> won't protect from storm floods until completed
Whether it will protect from storm floods after completed is debatable. Unlikely say pros I've spoken to.
It will however shift a lot of money into the current Mayor's retirement account. Pure unadulterated boondoggle. Couldn't they steal even more money by building it on top of the FDR? But that would offend and inconvenience the sacred god of traffic flow.
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