Monday, June 14, 2021

d.b.a. reopens today on 1st Avenue

d.b.a. is back in action today starting at noon here at 41 First Ave. between Second Street and Third Street.

This is the first day back for the 27-year-old bar since March 2020.

The same ownership team is also behind Milano's, which recently reopened on East Houston, as well as two other bars expected to be back soon — the Library (7 Avenue A)  and Doc Holliday's (141 Avenue A). 

EVG photo from April 


anonymous said...


anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Choresh Wald said...

This is great news

Anonymous said...

It's not the same great DBA of late 90s until both owners passed away. So many nights, so many memories. Nothing left from those days.

Anonymous said...


Damzdash said...

I see the mural on the gate was already vandalized in one night what a shame what lawlessness individuals that live in this neighborhood

Anonymous said...

I agree. You can play MarioCart there now. Wt...f. Dooosh bros unite!!!!