A slogan popular with white supremacists has been spotted on sidewalks around the neighborhood.
EVG reader Marjorie Ingall has come across three of the stenciled slogans, which read: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." According to the Anti-Defamation League, these "14 Words" are a reference to the most popular white supremacist slogan in the world.
Ingall said that a community affairs officer from the 9th Precinct was investigating the stencil on Third Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue. (Ingall also contacted the Southern Poverty Law Center and City Council member Rosie Mendez's office.)
"My kids and I have been covering the graffiti with chalk," Ingall said.

In addition, someone painted a swastika on a wall on Third Street near the Bowery... that has since been covered up...