The 2016 NYC Margarita March is this weekend... and today is Day 2. There are eight bars participating today, and five of them are in the East Village: Mama's Bar, Avenida Cantina, Finnerty's, Juke Bar and Double Wide.
One 12th Street resident described the Margarita March scene ("it's like SantaCon but with margaritas") outside Doublewide yesterday.
This afternoon has been pretty hellish. There were lots of people outside talking and yelling and drinking. They were coming out of the bar with clear plastic cups and drinking on the sidewalk and being totally obnoxious ... I heard the chant "chug, chug, chug" coming from Doublewide Bar. No kidding!
The resident did file a complaint with 311.
Doublewide isn't the only bar taking part in this mayhem. I don't get why they do this if they aren't going to control their patrons.