Yesterday, EVG regular Andrew Adam Newman on Ave C spotted this Saabsicle and several other cars frozen to the ground on East 12th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B… apparently the result of a crack in the street the city won't bother to repair.
Despite the predicament that these drivers found themselves in (Hi, do you have a blowtorch that I can borrow?), the city reportedly handed out parking tickets to the owners of these cars.
Per the Post:
A street leak frozen by this week’s bone-chilling “polar vortex” trapped cars parked on East 12th Street near Avenue A, where residents were forced to sit in cars or risk getting a fine [this] morning.
Some drivers were handed $65 tickets — which neighbors called just plain cold-hearted.
“I couldn’t get my car out right away and when I told them that they were like, ‘I already started writing the ticket,” said David Griffith, a 29-year-old, who works in the nightlife biz.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Saabsicle discovery this morning on East 12th Street