Showing posts with label Ukrainian Festival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukrainian Festival. Show all posts

Friday, May 15, 2015

Q-and-A with Andrew Stasiw, chairman of the St. George Ukrainian Festival

[Festival photo from 2012 by Bobby Williams]

The 39th annual St. George Ukrainian Festival, held on East Seventh Street between Second Avenue and Cooper Square, starts this afternoon at 4.

In the aftermath of the deadly gas explosion on March 26 on Second Avenue at East Seventh Street, festival organizers decided to donate 10 percent of the profits to The Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City (designated to the East Village building collapse fund). Organizers said that they will look to showcase the unity and the resilience of the East Village with the 2015 edition of the festival.

Here, Andrew Stasiw, chairman of St. George Ukrainian Festival, answered a few questions via email about this year's event.

Were there any conversations about canceling this year's festival?

Yes. Monday after the explosion, I met with key people on the festival committee. We were all horrified by the reality of the accident, and especially by the loss of life.

We determined to wait until I had a chance to reach out to OEM (NYC's Office of Emergency Management) and SAPPO (NYC's Street Activity Permit Office) to determine whether we would even be allowed to have a street closure so quickly. Both offices assured me that the street closure 1 1/2 months later would not be a problem.

Another consideration we discussed with the church committee was our "Grandfather Status" with the City of New York. Should we for moral reasons choose to not hold our festival, we would lose our status, and not be allowed to have a three-day closure again in the next year. The City no longer grants three-day closures, and has not for two decades.

Our festival has now been a 39-year tradition, and an integral part of our outreach to our surrounding community. Our community would be devastated if we lost our permit. Though we could have requested a reprieve from the city, we opted to move forward with the festival, and do something for our community as well.

Thus, the festival committee along with our pastor, Father Bernard Panczuk, agreed that we should proceed with the festival. We reached out to our performers and partners, and all agreed that we should do something to help our community. This is when we determined to utilize part of our net profit to donate to the East Village Relief Fund established by the City. This will benefit both merchants who lost their businesses trying to reboot, and tenants who lost their apartments.

To increase our revenues, all performers have agreed to perform for free in order to help our church, school and the East Village Relief Fund.

How will this year's festival showcase the unity and the resilience of the neighborhood?

There is a passion in the hearts of the people in our neighborhood that is now stronger then ever. We at St. George Church are so grateful, and proud of our neighbors who have reached out to us, offering support for our efforts.

More then ever, this year's festival feels more like a collaborative community event versus just a Ukrainian ethnic festival. The neighborhood is resilient because they are coming together to celebrate our Ukrainian heritage as well as to honor and assist those suffering because of the explosion.

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

What do you personally look forward to each year with the festival?

The kids! Yeah, we get amazing professional artists performing, but it is all about the children. Ukrainian dance schools exist all over the tri-state area, and this festival gives them and their families an opportunity to perform in the City. Through these schools, these children of Ukrainian descent get to learn about their heritage and then share it through song and dance with the people of New York.

As an educator, I see the value for children in these types of after-school activities — helping to build parametric connections in their brains through movement and counting, and also build friendships that last far into their adulthood.

For this year, we are very excited about our festival, but our hearts are broken for the loss of Moises Ismael Locón Yac and Nicholas Figueroa, two young men whose time was cut too short because of the explosion.

At St. George, we pray for them and pray that God comforts the weeping hearts of their families. Personally, I wish I could have done more during this tragic event. I witnessed [the explosion], and it was impossible to get back into the building and look for more potential victims. That day is still hard to talk about, but now we need to focus on what we can do to keep our community strong.

The festival hours are tonight, 4 to 9; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Monday, May 11, 2015

The St. George Ukrainian Festival is this weekend

It's the 39th year for the festival, held on East Seventh Street between Second Avenue and Cooper Square.

Here are a few highlights for 2015 (via the EVG inbox):

• A portion of the festivals profit will be donated to the victims of the deadly gas explosion on March 26

• Street vendors from the community will be selling a range of Ukrainian food and merchandize to support the local church and community

• More than 100 performances from professional Ukrainian dance ensembles, singers and musicians.

Look for an interview here with Andrew Stasiw, chairman of St. George Ukrainian Festival, later this week.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Reminders today: Dance Parade, DanceFest and the Ukrainian Festival

Just taking an early morning look at the set up for the Dance Parade 2014 on St. Mark's Place … where it will end in Tompkins Square Park for the DanceFest from 3-7 today.

And it looks like the Delta Tau Chi float still needs work…

… and on East Seventh Street between Cooper Square and Second Avenue… prepping for the 38th annual Ukrainian Festival

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The 38th annual Ukrainian Festival is this weekend

The annual event is, as always, on Seventh Street between Second Avenue and Cooper Square.

And how is the weather looking for the festivities Friday through Sunday?

Here's the exclusive EVG forecast … Friday is not looking so swell at the moment…

Friday, May 17, 2013

Reminders: The Ukrainian Festival is this weekend

It started today at 4... these two shots are from Bobby Williams early on... goes until 11 tonight and tomorrow night ... 5 p.m. on Sunday... always one of our favorite neighborhood events....

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Reminders: The 37th annual Ukrainian Festival is this weekend

One of our favorite neighborhood events...
The schedule:
Friday, May 17 · 4pm-11pm
Saturday, May 18 · 11am-11pm
Sunday, May 19 · 1pm-5pm

Our previous coverage is here.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

At the Ukrainian Festival

Day 3 of the The Ukrainian Festival gets under way this morning... on Seventh Street between Second Avenue and Cooper Square... here are a few scenes from yesterday via Bobby Williams...

Friday, May 18, 2012

This weekend: The Ukrainian Festival on Seventh Street; DanceFest in Tompkins Square Park

The Ukrainian Festival...

...and tomorrow... the DanceFest 2012: Dance Parade kicks off at 1 ... (Details here)

Then! In Tompkins Square Park from 3-7 p.m.

Find the complete schedule for tomorrow's DanceFest here.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

36th annual Ukrainian Festival is this weekend

And one of the things that we always look forward to around here...

And, as of now, we'll have nice weather for this...

Previous coverage is here.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 14, 2010

Monday, May 18, 2009

At the Ukrainian Festival

The Syzokryli Dance Ensemble performed Sunday afternoon....

Meanwhile, in the mosh pit... some old friends were apparently shoving each other and falling down. Or maybe just falling down. My view was blocked after these three shots... the fellow on the far right in the second photo wearing jeans and denim shirt got did the woman in the gray coat. No one seemed very amused by the two on the ground. The woman in gray lifted her cane in the air as if she may take a hack at Hot Dog.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Reminder and a look back: The Ukrainian Festival...and St. George Schools

The Saint George Annual Ukrainian Festival
starts tomorrow... EV Grieve reader/commenter Mick passed along the link to some photos from St. George Schools on Seventh Street... no exact date is given on these two...just some time in the 1950s...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Reminder! The Ukrainian Festival

The Ukrainian Festival starts this afternoon on 7th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenue.

Here's a brief on it from The Villager:

Ukrainian festival to rock Seventh St.

St. George Church is sponsoring its 33rd annual street festival May 16-18 on E. Seventh St. between Second and Third Aves., featuring Ukrainian music, dance, art, food and more.

The three-day festival will benefit the St. George Elementary School and the College Preparatory Academy. Hours of the festival, which is held every year the weekend before Memorial Day, are 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Fri., May 16; 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sat., May 17, and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sun., May 18.

St. George students will give a concert of dance and singing at 7 p.m. Friday and at 2 p.m. Sunday. Two other main-stage shows will be at 7 p.m. Saturday and 3:45 p.m. Sunday. Featured performers will include the Ukrainian violin virtuoso and recording artist Inessa Tymochko-Dekaj and the New York City-based dance group, Syzokryli.

The Halychany Orchestra, originally from Ukraine, will play popular Ukrainian music at a dance in the school auditorium from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday.

St. George Church was founded in the East Village Ukrainian community in 1905 and the festival draws thousands of visitors from the tri-state area who come to celebrate their ethnic heritage in the old neighborhood.

Of course, though, it has to rain. I swear it has rained every year during at least part of the Festival. Still, just bring your umbrella...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Countdown to the Ukrainian Festival

Ah, yes -- one of my favorite neighborhood traditions kicks off this Friday afternoon on 7th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenue. (Been saving up my $1 bills for Chuk-a-Luck all year!) Community spirit at its finest.

Here's a little on the history of Ukrainians in New York. And on the St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church, the centerpiece of the festival.


A little of the entertainment from last year:

Of course, how will this feel this year with all this crapola going on behind us?

Watch out for the cranes.