A conversation is evolving through several notes on this sidewalk bridge on 12th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B. (Thanks to Katherine Rusch for sharing the photo!)
The first note is addressed "to whomever stole my bike from this location."
It reads:
You stole it from a nurse who's been working in a COVID ICU for the past 2.5 months. This was my only way of getting to work without contaminating other people. PLEASE return it if you have a heart.
P.S. I hope you disinfected it...
A second note offers to help fundraise for a new bike for the nurse.
A third note arrived from someone else who had his-her bike stolen here.
I'm working from home and it was my only way of exercising. I can't believe these people are stealing from people who need their things right now.
It makes me sad for humanity but then I think about people like you. You risk your life daily for others. This is the biggest service to humanity. Thank you.
This letter writer also offers to chip in for a bike for the ICU nurse.