Showing posts with label urban etiquette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label urban etiquette. Show all posts

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Plant Bandit ON THE LOOSE

Photo by Stacie Joy 

Noting this urban etiquette signage on Houston at Attorney: 
Plant bandit spotted in the LES Lock up your dalphyniums [sic], your hyacinths and your lantanas! Bring your mint, basil and oregano in every evening...who knows what beautiful greenery he is going to take next?? 
May need to add herb and spice bandit to the description...

Saturday, March 30, 2024


An urban etiquette note as seen on Third Street between Avenue A and Avenue B... 

Stop shitting in our garden. 
We are tired of picking up your shit. 
Stop being a criminal. 

Anyway, enjoy your Easter holiday weekend (if you celebrate)! 

Thanks to Mark White for the photo!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Today in urban etiquette notes on 7th Street about dogs shitting in tree planters

An urban etiquette note from Seventh Street. (Thank you, East Village Neighbor, for the photo!

And the message, with an attention-grabbing salutation: 
Dear Neighbor Who Let His Dog Shit in Our Tree Planter, 

You waited until no one was looking, but we saw you and took a photo — busted! The EV has a website for people who rudely don't clean up after their dogs, congrats! You're on it. Have some courtesy for others. 

P.S. Invest in some poop bags.
East Village Neighbor asks, Is there actually a dog poop non-picker-upper website in the EV???

Monday, August 7, 2023


Photo by Stacie Joy 

As seen on Third Street between Avenue A and Avenue B today...
Beware of Prowler!!! 
You are not welcome in this building! Do not return! 

Otherwise, steps will be taken for all of our safety!

Monday, April 11, 2022

Today in urban etiquette signage

Photos by Stacie Joy 

First, from Third Street and Avenue, a note about an annoying car alarm that went off over the weekend. "PLEASE fix your car's alarm — it was going off all night."

And, from an undisclosed building lobby: "If you stole my Keurig pods you're CLASSLESS" ...

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Calling out a plant thief on 7th Street

Someone is understandably upset about the plant theft in this tree well on Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue... EVG reader Robert Miner shares photos of the messages left at the scene...

"Cutting out my plants. You are worse than rats. You are very sick person." (Above!)

And: "Cutting my plants. Breaking my grill. You're a sick person. You need to see a doctor."

Sunday, June 28, 2020


As seen on Sixth Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

Photo can also be used as a motivational screensaver for aspiring writers.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

S_ _ _ happened

Someone took this dog poop etiquette sign's fill-in-the-blank challenge on 14th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue...

Don't be a "Sick Bum With a Cute Face."


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Your work is done here, assholes

Here on East Seventh Street and First Avenue... someone broke off the 7-foot sunflower about to bloom... and there is a note for that person now...

Thanks to EVG reader Raquel Shapira for the photo...

Friday, May 4, 2012


[Click to enlarge]

Letters addressing what you can and can't flush down your toilet are always so... awkward. Haven't seen it done well yet. And who dumps cat litter down a toilet? (Wait, don't answer that...)

Via Shawn Chittle.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011