Monday, December 27, 2010

What the East Village was like today

Avenue A earlier this afternoon.

The last stalled M14 moved off Avenue A

Around 3 pm or so...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Avenue A now an M14 graveyard

Also today....

Snow scenes from the FDR and Avenue D

EV Grieve roving Blizzard reporter Bobby Williams noted the condition of the FDR (at Sixth Street) this evening around 5:15ish...

...while a police car seems to be abandoned on Avenue D....

More photos from today of the big blizzard that hit NYC yesterday

Things that will be open tomorrow, Noted edition

Walking along St. Mark's Place and Astor Place today...

From EV Grieve reader J...

...and a little snow to keep you company on the subway platform...

How bad is it out there now?

Even the snowmen (or snowpeople) are drinking... along Second Avenue...

Via @GirlyDeJoie

Just how many buses are stuck now on Avenue A?

Six buses, per a count a little earlier this morning by EV Grieve reader Brett...

In addition to a bus, there are several cabs stranded at 13th Street and Avenue A. The bus has been here last night at 10:30, per reader Kristin.


10th Street at Avenue A.

Why you won't be getting anywhere by bus today

Samo sends along a photo of another stuck bus — this one on Avenue A at Third Street. Samo notes the driver is inside reading a book.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Avenue A now an M14 graveyard

Avenue A now an M14 graveyard

There are currently two M14 buses stranded on Avenue A — one at Ninth Street the other at 10th Street...

The bus at Ninth Street appears to be empty... but the driver is still in his bus at 10th Street... A reader said that he has been there now for 12 hours, stuck, waiting for help. The reader brought the driver a protein bar and apple. Another resident brought the driver coffee.

Updated: A reader says there's another bus stranded on 14th Street and First Avenue.

A post-blizzard walk around Tompkins Square Park

Took a walk around Tompkins Square Park this morning. Not much going on! Given the drifting, difficult to say just how much snow is on the ground — 16 to 22 inches, maybe?

We're not done with this blizzard yet

We have some more photos from last night's Blizzard Action... thanks to Vivienne Gucwa for these ... check out more of her work at New York - Through the Lens.