Then, something was bothering me about the artist's rendering of what the corner will look like soon courtesy of the new million-dollar condo 32 Clinton...

This is what it actually looks like as of yesterday...something's missing from the artist's version and reality...

It's the historic synagogue at 180 Stanton Street...I don't see that in the artist's version...it's replaced by what looks like a fancy new building.
I hope the artist doesn't have any kind of inside information...
anything for the sake of new developments, right?
destroying synagogues and churches for multi-million dollar condos is obviously sacrilege.
I have other sad news on that particular part of Stanton St. has occured at 178 Stanton St. with the loss of Basement Aire. The Basement left the building which it occupied for 25 years this past December. The Basement had put hosted numerous art events and parties over it's 25 year existence. It was a very intriguing place to visit. It a shame if anyone had missed out going to the Basement. Jack, the proprietor, also operated the Gas Station and No Say No. The Gas Station is the last place GG Allin performed at before overdosing. He was also a founding member of the LES artist group the Rivington School.
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