At Fifth Street and Second Avenue. If you can make out the sign, a blind man cut his hand on one of the diner's "
7-9 commercial bikes that are always blocking the East 5th Street sidewalk." And the Moonstruck Diner "refuses to move those obstacles."

So until they remove the bikes, the organizers are asking you to eat elsewhere. How about the Odessa?
Just for the sake of argument, where else are they supposed to park the bikes??
fucking losers, i will rip these annoying signs down. you can cut your hand on anything.
this seems a little overboard to me. and odessa's french toast is not as good.
I was already boycotting the place cause the food is garbage....
bah..I been ripping them down..I'm not sure who the "blind man" is they are referring to, but if he lives on my block and trains his own "seeing eye dogs" himself..then..well-I won't say anymore but these sign should be burned. I call bullshit.
i's like to baseballbat those or any bikes that block the sidewalk.
unrelated: i kissed a buddy as i met him there for brunch and for the remainder of the meal the waitstaff did their best to do everything wrong and irritate us, and stood in the back and giggled about us. i won't soon patronize such childishness. it was so much better as the middling cooper square diner.
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