For the Germany-Argentina match. Wow.
Much longer than last week's line. One Zum Schneider regular said this was the longest line that she'd ever seen here, including Octoberfest...the line streches west halfway up Seventh Street.

If you're in the back of the line now, then I'd suggest you watch the match elsewhere...
I'm so glad I gave up watching sports when I was in jr. high school.
Are these people insane? Or can they just not count?
deja vu all over again.
In 2002 then line went all the way to Ave B until people were told how small the place is.
What was the line actually FOR though? Were all those soccer folk thinking they were going to fit into one single bar?
It's no big deal. Those who don't fit in go to the other bars on the block(s) that show the game. There are at least 4 of them close by. Then after the game they return for the "block party".
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