From Page Six today:
Mohawk-wearing Isabel Dawson charged back into the East 13th Street squat this week where she raised her daughter, Rosario Dawson, to change the locks on a unit where she lived two years ago. The squatter who now lives in the apartment is livid, and other residents say they want Isabel gone because she bullies for space. A spy says she shouted at the tenants, "I'm not embarrassing my daughter! This is a squat, I can live here."
Interestingly, the Post did not put quotation marks around the word "squat" like they did on their last story on this matter.
[Photo by Roger Wong/INFGoff.com via the Post]
I love it! The assholes that live in that building must be spitting devil's grease! (and OLD Brooklyn expression!) I bet the big musclehead goon with the tattoos who used to have a dog named 'Brooklyn is just going nuts - because he thinks he owns the whole block? And what of the crack addled, tattooed, bike riding crazed sometimes construction worker? And the various skinny wastrails that sit on the stoop and think they're just it? Well, if nothing else - all the attention might spark a good buildings inspection!!!
B-Block, ummm, shallow comment. I am no fan of certain people that reside there, but I also respect many other's that also call the building home. And I could say that about almost all buildings in our community. That woman has no right to "re-claim " her space. Famous daughter or not, she is not an asset to this community.
The musclehead goon that Blockwatcher is referring to is Rex Hughes aka Gerald Feldman. He was brought into the 544 E. 13 St (former) squat by Isabel Dawson to be her back up. He lives in the basement with many pitbulls. Why has Isabel "moved" back to the former squat building after a 2 year absence? What does Rosario think? On Tuesday the police were called because Isabel had illegally locked out and evicted the female on the first floor without due process. That building is in a HDFC program and no longer a squat. To be continued
well he has strutted around the block for years like he owns all of us - i take it he's a major asshole - and dangerous as well?
What's the story with some of the other gypsies, tramps and thieves that camp out on that stoop?
Dear in Fear on East 13 Street
About the "gypsies, tramps and thieves" at the 544 e 13 stoop.
You might have noticed that there is less activity since the unfortunate return of Isabel Dawson.
Most of those straggly folks were mostly youth on drugs related and/or connected to Greg Dawson (former husband of Isabel). Greg is the tallish skinny guy with grey hair that would hang all day on the stoop monitoring resident activities and scheming of ways to take over the building. Greg is not happy with the fact Rex and Rick supported his ex-wife's return by lying to the police when they arrived on the scene after Isabel locked out and illegaly evicted the woman from the 1st floor.
PS to Rosario
Please remove your family from the block and buy them a building somewhere far away.
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