We heard reports are two ugly brawls last night from readers...
One, on Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue:
hey, there was a fight at Krystal's Bar 81 last night. some guy was on the street screaming, "come and fight me bitches," etc. etc., and a bunch of guys obliged, came out of 81, beat him down to the sidewalk, ripped his shirt off, kicked him. he stayed on the sidewalk screaming, drunk, offering to kick the ass of every one who walked by. finally the cops came and he ran.
Did anyone hit him with a shamwow?
Walking past Irving Plaza last night around 8:45 I heard a lot of commotion and saw a lot of people looking at something. At first it seemed like a street performance of some kind. I walked up and there was a large crowd in the outdoor seating area of SideBar, cheering something that I couldn't quite see right next to that outdoor seating. There were a number of people on the east side of the street too, including a bunch of Con Ed workers. I asked what happened and was told there was a fight. I saw a young guy get up off the ground near the SideBar outdoor seating. He raised his hands and there was more cheering/yelling. Just then a squad car arrived, followed by two more for backup. There were at least six cops on the scene. The cops spent some time talking to the shirtless guy, a girl (who didn't seem like she would have been in SideBar) and a bouncer. There was more yelling from the crowd, and people giving the cops info. The girl was eventually arrested and put in the back of a squad car. She continued to adamantly plead her case. I took it that she and the shirtless guy were the ones who fought. Two young guys — apparently friends of the shirtless guy — came over to speak with shirtless guy and the cops. One was wearing a Pats jersey, the other a Cardinals jersey. The guy with the Pats jersey took it off and gave it to the shirtless guy. A passerby shook his head and told me this is why you shouldn't go to bars. You never know what will happen. As I went across on 15th, I noticed one of the glass doors of SideBar was shattered. Not sure if that had something to do with this, though someone was gesturing to it and describing something to one of the officers. Further down 15th, I was passed by a number of people who had come from SideBar. Everyone was talking about the fight.
"I noticed one of the glass doors of SideBar was shattered. Not sure if that had something to do with this"
Kids do the darndest things.
"A passerby shook his head and told me this is why you shouldn't go to bars. You never know what will happen. "
You should stay indoors with the doors locked at all times too.
"You should stay indoors with the doors locked at all times too."
With a blanket pulled over your head while hiding under the bed!
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