Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week in Grieview

[VIDEO] Inside Tompkins Square Bagels (Monday)

Is Ben Shaoul buying the Cabrini Nursing Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation on East Fifth Street? (Monday)

Why there's an Airstream trailer inside the new Lower Eastside Girls Club HQ (Tuesday)

Video circa early 1980s of the Hells Angels on East Third Street (Wednesday)

In which a film crew calls your wife a 'stupid bitch' on Avenue A (Wednesday, 50-plus comments)

Why living by IHOP stinks (Wednesday)

Welcome to the East Village, Standard (Monday)


Marty Wombacher said...

Ha! That last photo is classic! Nice work!

Anonymous said...

classic? it's an ad on a truck that happens to be parked on a curb next to a tree. where exactly does the classic label come into play? i feel standards of excellence have hit an all time low. in all places.

Marty Wombacher said...

@Anonymous 10:17 AM: It's classic for me because the way she's peeking out from the tree and I believe it's a great photo. To each their own.

Laura Goggin Photography said...

That picture is pretty funny...almost looks like she's peeing.