[Photo from 2013 by Derek Berg]
That's the word from organizer Garrett Rosso, who reports that someone stole the FedEx delivery boxes from outside his apartment door yesterday.
It will be another week before more posters will arrive.
Meanwhile, he shared the information with us... the date is Saturday, Oct. 25 ... the rain date is Oct. 26...

Per Garrett: "Runway competition will be from Noon to 2:30 p.m. Then all pawticipants will follow this year’s BEST IN SHOW for a pawsitively posh, costumed canine parade around the entire park. All donations go to City Park Foundation for the maintenance and upkeep of the Tompkins Square dog run."
This is a bit early to promote, no?
in our childish satanic society halloween has become a month long celebration - if you go out to the burbs people decorate their homes like its christmas, and I think the psychology of turning your home into a mock graveyard and execution chamber covered with spiders for a month or longer is weird. to each their own. halloween is for children and should last one day.
Perhaps the posters will appear on ebay.
Here, here NYGrump. Halloween is for kids. Adults who play Halloween are thus being juvenile.
NYGrump has it right, this Halloween fetish is just another sign of the growing infantilization of our society. As we saw in that photo of TSP during the 1930s, kids used to dress like grownups and act like adults. Today adults dress like children and act like babies.
The only question left now is whether EV Grieve be going as the Creepy Bald Guy Lonely Heart Human Cupcake or as The Lady With Three Boobs, or both.
I decided to be the guy looking to hang flyers on cupcakes. You know, a variation.
I have nothing against a good costume party - and I've been to some very fun Halloween parties - but it just seems to have gotten to be too much and that is my objection. And the kids can't even have fun anymore because of twisted evil adults. or bad weather.
I used to dress as a doctor in an actual NYU medical outfit, fill the pockets of the white coat with candy, and hand it out to the kids along the parade route. Then I would tell the kids that vegetables are BAD for them and to make sure to eat lots of candy. The parents were often horrified.
Sometimes I'd ask a man if the viagra I gave him was working for him. I was surprised how upset that question got some of the men.
But all of the above always got laughs.
That witch is riding a CitiBike, she IS satanic!
This is another corporate sponsored international marketing media stunt fueling the real estate and hospitality industries.
Here's a quote pulled from one of the thousands of media outlets listing the parade.
"Pooches let their alter-egos shine, putting on some of the cutest and most creative costumes you've ever seen at the annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade. CNN calls it "the largest dog costume parade in the world” with hundreds of dogs in costumes and thousands of spectators. The London Guardian says “It’s Barkin’ Mad.” This year's parade will be sponsored by Purina Beggin' with contestants competing for thousands of dollars in prizes."
Annonymous 8:18 Virtually every dog or adoption event -- as well as most events in city parks -- requires a sponsor. The folks at the dog park (many of whom were here when we established the Tompkins Square Dog Run as the city's first dog park) have been fundraising for its maintenance and upkeep for 24 years. When we were granted the right to establish the city's first dog park, we also had to agree to finance it. So please don't do your neighbors a disservice for their handwork and commitment. Their success at creating such a world known dog park and event is a testament to the vibrancy of folks in our community. They don't deserve to be bashed by your corporate paranoia
I hear there's a topless Unmask the Halloween Dog Parade protest being organized. Could be interesting.....
.....but then again, who really wants to see dog tits?
Just think of all the poop about to be "donated" to our park.
Fundraising - this isn't fundraising this is selling the dog-run to the highest bidder. Fundraising isn't taking the easy money from Nestle - the parent of Purina, a company with a pretty shoddy reputation and a murky corporate background. Seems like when I walk by the dog run I see designer dogs, designer owners, designer clothes . . .how about some of those folks just right few checks, instead of turning the dog-run and a nice chunk of the park into a media circus. Everyone I know who owns a dog won't even set foot in the dog-run. What's next - fundraising for the children's playgrounds by having a soda downing contest sponsored by Coke. Give me a break, just acknowledge what the dog parade is just another way to promote the neighborhood to tourists and the rich.
Raising funds to support a dog run with an event enjoyed by those who attend? The horror!!!
I'd like to go and crap around.
I'm the organizer of the Halloween dog parade and I can tell you the reason we put hundreds of hours of work into this is to pay for things like the new lights we installed to improve safety after dusk, purchase sturdy fencing & gates, replace the new bath area which reopened this afternoon, replenishing the gravel and hire the equipment/operators required to spread it, build the tree protection deck around the giant elm as well as replacing the trees that fell during the past two hurricanes, pay for all the plants that were installed around the dog park -- and most of all, because it's fun. Yes, all the above costs $$ which our community never would have received unless the dog owning community could organize and fund it.
UPDATE: Well it seems the thief was delivering some sort of edible floral arrangement from Columbus Circle to my neighbor. I spoke to corporate headquarters yesterday and got woken up by a threatening sounding phone call at 5:45 a.m. this morning. The caller refused to identify himself and wanted my address. When I repeated my request for his identity, he bellowed back "do you want your stuff returned or not." I arranged for him to drop off in front of my building. I then called the police who waited for him to show up but he didn't arrive. After the police left, I got a call saying my stuff was on the sidewalk in front of the building. I have a feeling these jerks sent the same thief back to deliver the goods he stole. The entire experience with this company was sketchy as hell.
Yup, you are a grump. There are WAAAAY sillier or abhorrent things people do.
Ha ha, 9:58! I'm the 'anonymous' who posted right after that old comment. It was some of my best work. :)
Cool poster by the NY-based artist Mark Minnig!
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