On Thursday, workers arrived to install a new awning outside EVG favorite Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place…

And on Friday! Derek Berg picked up the action…

… the work was disruptive to a few people just trying to earn a living…

And a look back …

[Image via]
Can anyone dig up info about what was there before Gem Spa? I remember seeing it in the early 1960s when I went to St George's School on 6th St & Hall (Shevchenko) Place http://www.amazon.com/Ukrainian-Melody-Sort-Mykola-Dementiuk-ebook/dp/B00QNVNZGG/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1419098335&sr=1-3&keywords=mykola+dementiuk
Was "Gems" a typo ? or did the name morph ? Anyone know ?
That's it! This is the last straw! THE EAST VILLAGE IS OVER! I'm leaving!
- East Villager
Meh, (as they say) I kind of gave up on Gem Spa once they started with all that mega-crap on the outside.
Same as with St. Marks generally, I guess.
They used to have many gems now there is but one gem. As a spa, I have to say that the foot massage they gave me was not very good. Not even going to go into the facial.
Okay, that was kinda gross and I don't know why I wrote that.
Am I drunk and reading evgrieve?
The mystique about gem Spa for me comes from the egg cream and New York Dolls. I had read that the egg cream may have been invented there. One day I decided to get an egg cream and realized it was not a very interesting drink for an adult male. I then listened to a few New York Dolls tunes on youtube and realized they were meh.
Meh, can you stop with the mehs already. Everything is a meh. Move somewhere else where there are no mehs, okay?
-- from a longtime East Village resident who doesn't meh despite the mediocrity in the world today, even from the mehs.
Anything not served in a hoof or available from soulless Seamless is apparently meh.
Yeah. couldn't agree more. That's exactly why I used the "meh". It was to emphasize that point. Sorry it shot over your head. That's the internet...
> And a look back
i KNEW it used to be 'gems spa'! so why the name change???
COuld they have picked a more hideous shade of yellow... Hi Liter Yellow ... jeez, you can probably spot it from the ISS
I agree with Anonymous 8:02am: egg creams are not very interesting. And with the word "egg' in them, they're actually kind of gross.
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