[Image of Fermin Flores from surveillance video]
A Manhattan judge yesterday sentenced a man to 14 years in prison for raping a 22-year-old East Seventh Street resident in her apartment on Jan. 13, 2014.
According to reports at the time, Fermin Flores was at the Second Avenue San Loco when the victim walked in alone to the restaurant. He reportedly then followed her home and forced his way inside her apartment. Surveillance video captured Flores, who worked at the San Loco in North Williamsburg, in the East Seventh Street building.
As the Post reports today:
“I did it because I was on drugs and drunk, I know that’s not an excuse,” he said in Manhattan Supreme Court. “I deserve this and I take full responsibility.”
Flores, 33, copped to rape in the first degree in February as part of a plea deal offered to spare the victim the “agony” of having to testify at trial, prosecutors said.
Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] NYPD investigating possible sexual assault on East 7th Street
NYPD releases surveillance video of East Seventh Street rape suspect
It's a terrible situation.
I remember when he was first recognized, those who worked with him were speaking up and supporting him as a good guy. He probably is a good guy.
His accepting responsibility and apparent remorse over acting under the influence of the drugs and alcohol say a lot about his character.
I hope the victim feels better he is behind bars nevertheless and can heal ok.
14 years? That's it? How 'bout 17 years so he misses all of his forties as well as the rest of his thirties? Piece of shit. Fuck his "remorse". These subhumans always have "remorse" after they're caught and realize they're facing many years in prison.
If someone wants to come back with a smarmy "How 'bout 20 years?" ok fine. I chose 17 years because he gets out when he's 50. I think that is a more sobering punishment. "I'm not getting out until I'm 50."
I've seen pictures of Bigfoot that are clearer than that.
Justice, for the most part has been served. While like others, wishing for more years on his sentence, at least he will be put away for a long time. What a pitiful excuse for a human being. Rape is NOT okay and people need to take accountability for their actions. This duche bag deserves everything he gets in the slammer....
Where are all his defenders now? You should be ashamed.
Pure scum. Rot in prison you asshole.
"He probably is a good guy."
No, he definitely is not.
Drugs and alcohol may excuse some errors of judgement, but breaking in and raping someone is not an "error of judgment".
He should be put away FOREVER.
- East Villager
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