[Photo from March 24 via @hanyakrill]
Meant to post this earlier in the week… for anyone who was curious about that 11 days of activity around the incoming Brant Foundation exhibition space on East Sixth Street between First Avenue and Avenue A.
We only heard that the space was hosting an event for Dom Pérignon.
The event was held on the evening of Thursday, March 26. (Perhaps worth noting that the fire was still raging nearby at 119-123 Second Ave.)
On Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported that it was for the world's top collectors of Dom Pérignon rosé.
Some excerpts from the article…
Nine rosé Champagne aficionados sat down for an intimate, one-of-a-kind pairing dinner … with Dom Pérignon Chef de Cave Richard Geoffroy.
Guests at the East Village event included New York Knicks star Carmelo Anthony, real-estate executive Michael Fascitelli and wine-store owner Robert Schagrin.
The seven-course dinner featured dishes showcasing a global range of spices, from a Thai bouillon to an elegant mole verde to a duck entree, redolent of cumin and coriander, based on a 17th-century French recipe.
The dinner was held at 421 E. Sixth St. and the space decorated for the occasion by rock star Lenny Kravitz’s Kravitz Design, which brought in sculptures, dramatic lighting and sleek furniture.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Neighbors curious about the 11 days of activity at Peter Brant's exhibition space on East 6th Street
The art of noise on East 7th Street ahead of tomorrow night's event at the Brant Foundation
...while 2 blocks away people were being obliterated and had their lives turned upside down. These kind of events are making me SICK.
I'm not going to defend the very rich however this is not a case of Nero and Rome burning. I had dinner at home that night and most likely had a bottle of wine with it, does this make me an ogre? I more in disbelief that Lenny Kravitz is now a designer, what?
Is it time for pitchforks yet?
Dinner was only seven courses?!? How gauche!
DomP Rose? I have had it - yuck!
Who the hell knew collectors of such things even existed? Wow, am I out of touch with the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Robin Leach, where are you when we need you?
Not to worry, soon Jules Bistro will soon bring out their guillotine for Bastille Day and it will be Off With Their Heads season in the EV once again.
Just wait for the helicopters to start landing. They are working on a rooftop party space. This summer may just be hell for the neighbors. Last summer was horrible for people living around rooftop party spaces. People don't seem to understand that their "noise" impacts the community or care.
Jesus died for somebody's sins....
......but not theirs.
Who cares what the rest of the city is doing when a fire breaks out somewhere? So Myoptic.
I'm those party people all have more money than me but god what a bunch of fucking losers.
Carmelo Anthony, the human facepalm of the NBA, ought to be chased out of town by an angry mob of fans of real basketball.
11 days of neighborhood disruption so 9 spoiled douchebags can have a promotional rosé champagne dinner? You're off to a shitty start, Brant Foundation. Come up with a better model to pay the mortgage.
They also had a marching band playing outside at 1:00 AM that night.
Good for them. What should they have done instead? Cancel the event? Raining guilt upon the heads of these presumed sinners is silly.
I also had dinner that night with a glass of wine. Is this a sin?
We were aware of the tragic fire, went to check if anything we could do to help, were told by officers that matters were under control and no one was to be allowed in to the site.
I hope they install a pair of cannons on the roof and fire off glitter bombs, it will be oh so pretty.
LOL - I love this - its almost as douchey as a trip to Brooklyn ! HAHAHAHAHA !!!!
So, what's the big deal? It's their money. I would like to think that, if I had that kind of money (though I'm not quite sure what kind of money that is), I wouldn't be able to help enjoying something, now and then, which a lot of people are too poor to experience. Would I have to eat nothing but pizza slices and hot dogs, instead of sushi and steak, and drink PBR instead of Dom Perignon, so no one would hate on me? What might Peter Brant owe anyone, and on what terms? Do you East Village denizens know all your neighbors' names and say "Hello" to people you see on the street frequently? No. Ever pass a starving homeless person on the street and offer him something to eat and a place to sleep? No. When was the last time you paid $5 for a cup of coffee? This morning? Get a sense of scale - you live in the richest, most expensive city in this country.
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