Via the EVG inbox...
Today around noon, this guy came into the Tompkins Square Park dog run without a dog. Rather oddly dressed for the neighborhood. He went around talking loudly to dogs and owners alike with a dubious sounding speech impediment. “HEY, WHAT KINDA DOG IS THAT?!?!?” “HEY BUDDY, WHERE’S YOUR BALL!?!?!? WHERE’S YOUR BA-A-A-ALL!?!?!?” blah blah blah.
Harmless enough for sure, until we noticed 2 men with video cameras hidden behind bushes and trees on opposite sides of the run, both shooting him and the people he was interacting with. A few regulars informed him that he wasn’t allowed in the run without a dog and when the cameras were pointed out, they quietly stopped filming and turned away.
I asked one of them why they were filming and he replied "just for some YouTube stuff."
Creepy and annoying.
I'm usually the bitch who points out to people without dogs that they have to have a dog in order to use the dog run.
We need more creepy and annoying, and harmless of course, around here.
Wow so much money can be made via ads if a video goes viral!
Maybe when he gets bit in the face they will get the footage they need for this hilarity. I would laugh at that.
You want to know what is really annoying... when people bring their dogs into Sauer Park which has a no dogs allowed policy because it is officially a children's playground and NOT a dog run. I think this guy is not worth complaining about. I don't care how friendly your dog is, I don't want it around my child.
12:28 if he was doing this in a playground there would've been a mom riot. I like the idea of the dogs giving him a glascow smile! Hilarity!!!
Just what the internet needs - more obviously setup YouTube videos!
Cruisin for a brusin.
There's the possibility that it wasn't for "some YouTube stuff" but that they were fishing for a lawsuit if some poor dog bit him. Did he seek out the "richer" looking owners to talk to?
Maybe annoying to you, but definitely not creepy, give the guy a break.
You say "creepy" I say "crappy". Whatevs.
Is there such a thing as "oddly dressed for the neighborhood"?
Would have been funny if dog had peed on him. It sounds really creepy and annoying.
Seriously? You MUST be really fun in real life.
"There's the possibility that it wasn't for "some YouTube stuff" but that they were fishing for a lawsuit if some poor dog bit him. Did he seek out the "richer" looking owners to talk to?"
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Would have been funny if dog had peed on him. It sounds really creepy and annoying.
I was in the Union Square run with my dog, and this Basenji peed on my foot. His owner said to me, "Now you're going steady."
He looks like a dog walker I've seen on the upper west side. The things people get ranked about.
My MAIN issue is with people who seem to think their dog is special enough to walk off leash... And that they ate such a good dog owner that their dog will follow every verbal command off leash. I have 2 dogs and they are not fond of off leash dogs coming up to them uninhibited.
Im the bitch who will tell you and your yuppie purebred asshole dog to f' off in the park. I am also that bitch who will go up to people in the playground and tell them to get out or go back to the suburbs. I will also tell you its a gealth violation to bring your dog into the local bodega because you couldnt walk down stairs twice.
4:04 I have one of those special dogs that doesn't need a leash. Yeah I know the law, I've even been cited (later dismissed in court) but we mind our own business so I choose to break the law and feel no remorse for it. The only risk is of me getting cited again. My dog only approaches other dogs if I initiate. Sorry your dogs have social problems and can't handle it.
(and sorry EVG. I just felt that one bad off-topic comment deserved another.)
Arguments with dog owners always makes me wonder why cat people are labeled "crazy cat ladies." It's amazing how upset somebody gets when you tell them their dog is not special enough to walk off its leash in a public space.
If you loved your dog, you'd walk it on a leash... for its own protection.
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