[EVG photo from November]
Workers have removed the plywood at 16 First Ave. between East First Street and East Second Street ...

Coming soon is a new bar/restaurant from the owners of Murray Hill's Mercury Bar and Tonic East. Materials on file (PDF!) at the CB3 website describe the new venture as a a "sports themed restaurant bar and lounge" with daily hours of 11 a.m. to 4 a.m. Name is/was to be determined.
The space was previously home to Sutra, owned by former CB3 member Ariel Palitz. That club closed last September after being on the market for several years.
Updated 5/5
BoweryBoogie follows up, noting that the new venture is called Bar Akuda. Per their Facebook pitch, they're a "sports bar in the LES … specials, happy hour, student discounts, NYU & corporate parties."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Sutra has closed; big sports bar on the way
Ah crap... Tonic East and Mercury Bar owners... Just call east village Murray Hill south now!
Gosh, a thporsth bar, so I can drink drugs and wtch thportsth! I'm so happy the government allows me to drink my drugs from 11 am - 4 am so long as I don't speak out about anything like the looming tyranny of a cashless society! I'll just drink and NOT THINK!
Tonic is applying for outdoor seating at the Murray Hill location, where there are lines and bouncers and music blaring and fights all night long. Look for them to do the same thing here. Let the mayhem begin!
How does the operator that owns TONIC the worst piece of shit, worst fratty bridge and tunnel crowd attracting shit ever, just roll up and get to use a liquor license.
Sutra wasn't the worst - this will be!
Dear 10:19 AM: The East Village has been like Murray Hill for the past 7 - 10 years. Now it's gonna be like the Upper East Side in the 70s. Time to move...and I will.
Ha ha bridge and tunnel. I remember when that term actually held some meaning. Now, there is no meaningful delineation. We are all B&T.
When you see frontage with french doors you know it's means, loud music, loud voices, drunk assholes yelling and fighting. In the 80's we had crime and junkies, today we have a new kind of crime and (booze) junkies. Fucked again.
4:09, I am not b&t so speak for yourself of sumthin!
I love paying $8 for a beer and $14 for a mixed drink-- makes me feel so alive!!! Woo!
"Tonic East". Or as I call it, "Toxic East". This place, like the 13th Step, stinks pretty bad as you walk by it. A foul place.
Hangovers: God's way of saying you're a young punk who drank too much, can't handle alcohol, and probably have a drinking problem too.
The smell and sticky sidewalks at Tonic in Murray Hill is bad enough, but they also have another outpost in Times Square which looks ready to convert into a strip club as soon as the tourist economy crashes. So on the bright side we just might get our first EV Strip club soon complete with NYU (Now You're Undressed) theme nights.
Hangovers - God's Way Of Saying You Were An Ass Last Night.
Funny they mention NYU when most NYU students are under 21 thus not legally old enough to be served alcohol. So they're encouraging underaged drinking no?
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