There still aren't any permits on file with the city to renovate the landmarked Webster Hall on 11th Street... however, over the weekend, several readers spotted a dumpster out front here between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue ... whose contents included part of a drum kit...

Anyway. A quickie recap. The venue in its most current iteration closed on Aug. 10. (You can find a Webster Hall timeline here.) Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment, along with AEG-backed The Bowery Presents, bought the building from the Ballinger family for $35 million this past spring.
The new owners will renovate the space, axing the club nights to focus on live music. Some reports suggest that the new venue won't be ready until 2020.
H/T EVG reader Doug!
That drum should be donated to that guy with the pots and pans drum kit that makes a racket in Times Square. (If anyone has ever seen or unfortunately heard him)
Unfortunately heard him? I think his "racket" adds some much needed vibrancy in the dismal day to day of the subway station.
I love walking by him then hearing him in the distance. It's especially cool when I'm in a hurry cuz he heightens my hurriedness. He's a great NYC institution and you're a killjoy.
I may be a killjoy in your opinion, but that guy kills music and eardrums.
There is all kinds of bizarre shit going on by that dumpster...a guy was in there throwing around full cans of Four Loko and asked me to pick them up for him when they all flew on to the sidewalk...Then he said thanks and slowly slid back inside the dumptser and disappeared...
My opinion > your opinion. You sound like a whiny NIMBY who doesn't want the trippy people here.
10:59 you sound like a person who is one of de Faustio's 300 staffers. I don't know if that pan drummer is trippy, but if I had the funds to give him a real drum set I would.
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