Papaya King's neon signage came down over the weekend at 3 St. Mark's Place ... marking the end of the hot dog purveyor's four years here... (A Papaya King rep confirmed the closure to me in an email.)

As reported on Friday, Real Estate Equities Corporation is planning to demolish the existing low-rise buildings at 3 St. Mark’s Place, 23 and 25-27 Third Avenue to make way for a 7-story office building. That also means the end here at some point for the Continental, Korilla BBQ and E Smoke Shop.
The Papaya King opened in the East Village in May 2013. The original location on Third Avenue and 86th Street and newer spot in downtown Brooklyn remain in service.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Breaking: Papaya King sign going up on St. Mark's Place — right now
Dammit, I liked this place. I liked the old narrow storefront, the original tin ceiling tiles, the feeling that I was stepping into an older, realer New York whenever I patronized the place for a couple of non-glam, humble hot dogs. So tired of constant loss, guess it really is time for me to start thinking about moving on...
CB3 where are you?
This is how neighborhoods are destroyed and districts are made.
I still don'[t understand how they stayed in business in this location as long as they did. I am on St Marks Place at different times during the day, and I never saw more than a few people in there. It was a sign to me, stay away. How fresh could the food me? No regrets at losing this place.
Always liked the “old time” feel of the place and the history. It always brought back the nostalgia of having hot dogs with my Dad.Plus, it was one of the few places left to grab a quick lunch without spending $12-15 and having food that requires chewing (instead of bowls and chopped salads). I will miss it.
The loss of everything on this corner is going to be a major change for the neighborhood, a loss in so many ways. Terrible.
Papaya King should take the space on the NW corner of St. Marks and Second Avenue. They would do excellent in that spot.
Was the standard fare Papaya King. A little pricey, but nice having one of these here. Shame that another development project is coming in.
Why offices in st marks? It's a serious in your face to downtown culture. At least papaya king was a good fit.
Sadly agree with 9:19 That was the most failed Papaya King I ever saw.
If only they had taken the corner shop where the smoke shop is, instead of their space a few doors down, they may have become a neighborhood landmark. Location Location Location.
When does continental bar close?
First it was Grey's Papaya (okay, so that was way over there, but worth the walk) and now Papaya King - no more good food left in the EV.
Yeah this was an odd spot for it. It was always empty.
Slowly, but surely, our beloved neighborhood is being torn, bit by bit, to pander to commercialism and greed. Very sad state of affairs for our community and others in NYC :(
At least we have Papaya Dog at the corner of W.4th Street and Sixth Avenue (for now although it's been there for over a decade.)
@11:31am Continental closes August 2018.
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