Earlier this evening, a USPS truck broke down on Ninth Street just west of Avenue A (top photo).
Meanwhile, a westbound M8 made the the turn onto Ninth Street... the bus driver determined that she couldn't make it through the space without hitting either the postal truck or the parked cars...

This was despite the fact that bystanders figured there was plenty of space to squeeze through... and so the bus sat there while the bus driver waited for someone from the MTA to show up to assist...

Some 45 minutes later, the MTA employee who arrived on the scene successfully navigated the tight space... and everyone was on their way again...

All the while, a resident who lives on the block directed traffic ... to keep vehicles from turning onto Ninth Street and getting stuck behind the bus.
Thanks to Steven for the photos and background!
beep beep drama
Very nice resident. Thank you resident! I love doing stuff like that. People appreciate it and it helps things flow. And keep those fucking animals that for some reason lay on their horn in traffic from not joining in.
Sad that the bus driver didn't know he/she could make it through.
slow news day? xo
Coming soon: Law and Order: Traffic Drama
@Anon 7:25- I thought honking made people get there faster!
I've noticed on my block on alternate side parking days sometimes there a clog in the flow of traffic when a larger vehicle can't pass. Usually drivers will sit in their cars and lean on their horns for 20 minutes expecting the problem to just go away.
ironically these days honking *does* work, because people are on their damn phones at every stoplight and don't realize it's turned green
If the honked horn was as loud INSIDE the vehicle as it is outside, the honking problem would soon abate!
I live on this block and watched out my window as the "drama" unfolded. Very nice, helpful "resident". The bus driver; not so much. Nasty, rude, dismissive. The guy was helping by avoiding a traffic jam turning from Avenue A and the bus driver couldn't have cared less.
@anonymous 9:47 sorry but that's a complete different situation, clearly. And that's usually a quick tap.
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