[Photo on 1st Avenue yesterday by Peter Brownscombe]
Voters yesterday approved three proposals that came via the Charter Review Commission
As a recap about what they are:
Proposal 1: Campaign Finance
This proposal would lower the amount that a candidate for city office may accept from a contributor to their campaign, increase the amount of public funds available to participating candidates, and make public funds available earlier. Candidates in the 2021 election would have the choice of whether or not to have the new limits apply to them.
Proposal 2: Civic Engagement Commission
This proposal would create a Civic Engagement Commission that would centralize civic engagement initiatives, create a citywide participatory budgeting program, assist community boards, and provide language interpreters throughout the city on Election Day.
Proposal 3: Community Boards
This proposal would change how community boards throughout the city are run, by imposing term limits on appointees, changing the application and appointment process for community board members, and require the Civic Engagement Commission (if Question 2 is approved) to provide resources to community boards.
Per NY1:
Eighty percent of New Yorkers voted "yes" on the first proposal, which cuts the maximum amount of campaign contributions allowed for candidates running for city office.
The second would create a civic engagement commission, which would also allow residents to vote on how to spend city funds.
It won approval by 65 percent of voters.
And 72 percent of voters said "yes" to the last provision.
It would apply term limits to members of the city's 59 community boards.

You can find a full list of the Election Day results for New York here.
People must be insane, to vote for #2, which is going to create ANOTHER layer of taxpayer-funded bureaucracy that will be controlled by the MAYOR.
I honestly don't know what would make anyone vote in favor of that item.
Win for DeBlasio's big real estate cronies. With a few exceptions the guy's worse than Bloomberg. As least Bloomberg was expensive to purchase. DeBlasio would sell out zoning laws for a Spiro Agnew memorial brown paper bag of 20s and 50s.
#2 is basically another office of democracy like the one that's run by an idiot who didn't vote in the last two elections. This is going to be abused as well as proposals 1 and 3.
People just saw the progressive frosting on these shitty cake proposals and just rode the "blue wave" assuming change will come. De Faustio exploited these voters concerns about money in politics and their fears as well (just like Cuomo did with his harping on Trump).
Anyone have a link to an article or care to explain how these are going to be exploited by DeBalsio? Only one I kind of get is that long time CB members have the experience to know how to push back on developers (but nobody is preventing them from staying involved once their term is over)
11:11 re developers
That's exactly why they were all in for that proposal and certainly had an influence on de Faustio's aides who concocted all 3 of them.
The only way money and politics can be regulated is the repeal of Citizens United.
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