Illumina East, the second-floor yoga studio at 96 Avenue B between Sixth Street and Seventh Street, is now closed.
Owner Rian Bodner officially announced the closure last week in a Facebook post:
This space did more than I expected, lasted longer, frankly, than I expected. Brought in all the right people, all the right challenges. It's hard to ask myself if I would have done it all if I knew I would have to hand the keys back today. Yes. I might even have been easier on myself. More patient. More willing to trust. I know we will continue on somehow but at this moment I think I finally feel sad about it. Thank you everyone who poured a piece of their magic into Illumina East. I don't know what's next, but it's an opportunity to dream bigger.
Small yoga and pilates studios in the neighborhood have had to pivot to offering classes online. Gyms and small studios were supposed to resume operations in the state's Phase Four reopening plan.
However, last week, Gov. Cuomo blindsided owners by taking them out of the mix. As NY1 reported, gym owners wonder when they may open if there isn't a Phase 5.
More than 3,000 people in the NY fitness industry formed a coalition to file a lawsuit against Gov. Cuomo. Per NY1: "Owners of the gym say they should be considered essential businesses because they help people get or stay healthy."
There are several online petitions in circulation calling for smaller studies to be able to open in Phase 3. (Here and here.)
You can revisit our post on at-home fitness options at this link.
Does anyone remember the name of the thrift store which used to occupy this space in the early 90's???
Metropolis was here before moving to Third Avenue. They're now on Broadway near 11th.
The gyms & yoga studios are too easy for things to spread as not everyone cleans up before or after they're working out in an area, all that breathing & sweating makes that a hotbed. I fell out of shape as I can't hit the weights but our health & safety comes at the cost of us isolating so it's fine till we beat this.
Most small owned businesses geared towards boutique fitness, yoga and pilates probably won't survive given the current climate of COVID and economic despair. I have a friend in BK who chose to permanently close her cross fitness studio after several years in her neighborhood due to the many months without clientele, the high rent/costs for her space and the unemployment she had to pay staff no to mention the incertitude of when and how she can safely reopen again. It's quite a conundrum. Unless you are a large corporate entity which can rebound or you are independently wealthy to weather the storm, I just don't foresee how others will swim to shore now without that life raft. I am not trying to sound dramatic, but we are living through a sad period in our society. Things will turn around eventually. As they always do. Just not now it seems. My very best to this yoga studio who also had to make the tough decision to close as well. Our hood will miss you.
I can’t imagine going to a gym or yoga studio until there is a vaccine, and we have this virus under control. Even if they got permission to open now, how many people are going to take the risk? I am also enjoying working out at home and outside and not being body shamed by the “perfect” people.
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