Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Headless Santa now free to terrorize Rite-Aid shoppers on 1st Avenue

Here comes Headless Santa Claus! 

EVG reader Daniel shares these photos from the Rite-Aid on First Avenue at Fifth Street, where, according to employees, someone stole the head right off of this Santa last night. 

For now, the Santa remains in place, right near the depleted shelf of Entenmann's ... 
So hang your stockings and say your prayers 'cause Headless Santa Claus comes tonight...


Scuba Diva said...

I want to see a "Headless Santa Claus" movie; it could spawn a series!

Ronnie said...

a run on Entenmann’s and a headless Santa, how very 2020

Anonymous said...

This seems an appropriate representation of the end of 2020.

Eden Bee said...

I really love that Rite-Aid. Saw a lady freaking out about lotto in there last week and the cashier just gave up and went to the back of the store.

Anonymous said...


Jose Garcia said...

That place has always seemed super sketchy to me but we have a friend who uses it as their go to drug store and have never reported a problem. Best, jg

Anonymous said...

This is the type of quality content that keeps me coming back to EV Grieve.

Anonymous said...

was once waiting an eternity to have a prescription filled there and looked down to see that someone had carefully printed in ballpoint on the pharmacy-counter mat "BITCHES ARE SLOW"

Anonymous said...

Never understood the consumption of mass produced corporate food such as Entenmann's laden with ingredients that only a chemistry major would understand when NYC has plenty of good eats and natural markets.

You didn't come to NYC to savor a slice of greater America devoid of good food!

Anonymous said...

That no-good opossum ate those entenmanns treats. He also bit my thumb!

I don’t know nothing about that Santa head.

PJ said...

For whatever it may be now, Entenmann's was founded in Brooklyn in 1898. So it does have a real local pedigree.

Anonymous said...

spoiler alert: Louisiana crunch cake.

Gojira said...

Eh - none of the Entenmann's line has been nearly as tasty since they had to revise the recipes to omit trans fat; when I was younger and had a working metabolism I could demolish a Louisiana crunch cake in a day, and when I first moved into the abandoned building I now call home, the chocolate donuts were currency, and we would swap them for construction help. "Hey, who wants to help my put up my kitchen ceiling, I've got donuts!" (We never had to specify chocolate, they were the only ones worth eating.) I've tried to eat a crunch cake since the change, and it was like eating sweet cardboard in comparison to the way it used to taste. Ditto the donuts. Saves me money and calories, I guess.

Anonymous said...

At least the Childrent can be scared to death by the headless Santa. Far less traumatizing thanSanta Con

PJ said...

I used to live in Little Italy until I got Cromanated. Where I now live in Queens the only alternative that I can get to conveniently on foot is what might just be the world's saddest Dunkin Donuts.

So I have a box of chocolate covered Entenmann's minis in the fridge. "In these uncertain times" "Good Enough" will have to do. And emaciated as I am the calories won't do me any harm either :-)

Anonymous said...

When I was in boot camp I had my mother send me two boxes of Entenmann's chocolate chip cookies.

Anonymous said...

That'll stop him from eating all the cookies.

Anonymous said...

Who wants ‘good eats and natural markets’ when you can have Entenmanns. Their pies are delicious and very reasonably priced, unlike some of the Whole Foods and Westside Market examples. And you get to give headless Santa your Christmas list!