Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday's opening shot

This morning on St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue...


XTC said...

Walked by that location at around 5pm yesterday. A guy was taking an afternoon nap on a dirty mattress under the Mr Kim sign. Five or six "anarchists"in tattered and dirt stained clothes were sprawled out on the floor to the left. More of the same on St Marks down to Houston St. Shirtless men passed out on the street some of whom seemed to be partially entombed among the plastic garbage bags waiting patiently to be collected and disposed of. Another man flailed his arms and screamed at no one in particular. Well dressed people in the cafes sipped Aperol spritzers and chatted away. I guess it's officially springtime in the EV when the Crusties and mentally defective hit the streets.

Scuba Diva said...

Sounds about right.