Some chizza history per Food & Wine:
The chizza, a mashup of fried chicken and pizza, has been on menus in the Philippines since 2015 and has regularly featured at KFC locations in Germany, India, Korea, Mexico, Spain, Taiwan, and Thailand since then, but it’s never appeared anywhere between our shining seas.
Today (Saturday) from 1-9 p.m., KFC offers one free chizza per customer (pronounced cheet-za — that second z is silent).
As we noted on Tuesday, the KFC outpost was getting a makeover... with the east-facing wall adorned with the rather terrifying hey-I'm-pulling-my-face-apart ("Poltergeist" flashback!) Chizza mascot... if SpongeBob SquarePants was spliced with Freddy Krueger...
The KFC returns tomorrow... and the chizza will be on menus nationwide starting Monday.