Per the door signage...
"We know how much Short Stories means to you, so we are taking the necessary steps to ensure our guests feel comfortable when they step through the door. We are excited to come back to you, better than ever, in Spring 2023."
Short Stories was on the February CB3-SLA docket for a new liquor license ... the current license expired in late January, though neighbors said the bar continued to serve booze until last week under the previous ownership.
According to the questionnaire on file at the CB3 website, this is a sale of assets, with new owners from Something Good Hospitality Group taking over. (While the partners have food-hospitality experience, they have yet to own a restaurant.)
During the meeting on Feb. 21, a handful of residents who live in this building and nearby spoke out against Short Stories (the now-closed version anyway that morphed from a cafe to a club) ... calling out "bad, irresponsible behavior" (drug use, crowded sidewalks, etc.) ... there were numerous complaints about the music (via DJs) going until 4 a.m. (One resident called the volume of the music "horrifying.")
The new owners quickly distanced themselves from the previous regime, promising a more high-end dining experience (adding a full kitchen)... and bringing in a new staff.
CB3-SLA committee members were looking to stipulate against a nightclub atmosphere. The owners agreed not to have DJs on the premises. However, they wouldn't compromise on an earlier close and insisted on a 2 a.m. time daily for the sake of their late-night food menu that paired with the new cocktail program. (The committee suggested midnight, with a 2 a.m. close on Friday and Saturday. Without stipulations, the committee was concerned that the applicants would go to the State Liquor Authority and get the OK for a 4 a.m. close.)
You can watch a video of the meeting. This applicant starts at the 3:15 mark.
There are also complaints about the curbside dining space ...
Short Stories debuted in February 2019, landing features in Vogue and The New York Times.