Showing posts with label squirrels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label squirrels. Show all posts

Sunday, March 5, 2017


Another edition to the ongoing Squirrels Being Cute series from Tompkins Square Park...

Photos via Steven...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Squirrels in Tompkins Square Park continue trying to be cute... photo by Steven

Monday, February 6, 2017

Today in photogenic squirrels in Tompkins Squirrel

Another day, another squirrel doing something adorable (or terrifying, depending on your opinion of squirrels) in Tompkins Square Park...

EVG Senior Squirrel Correspondent Steven spotted this squirrel enjoying some sap from a tree near Avenue A and Ninth Street...

Naturalists have noted that when a squirrel's stash of pinecones and nuts gathered during the summer and fall run low, they will often turn to sap for an energy boost... sap as well as pizza, crackers, bananas, pumpkins and Hershey's Cocoa.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day

I was unaware of this day. Thank you NYC Parks!

Well, then let's repost some squirrel shots from the vast EVG Squirrel Photo Vault ...

[Photo by Goggla]

[Photo by Mr. Baggs]

[Photo by Steven]

[Photo by Goggla]

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

[Photo by Goggla]

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

Friday, September 9, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Fine, as long as the squirrels don't start eating pizza with a fork in Tompkins Square Park

Goggla spotted this happening today in Tompkins Square Park...

As for using a fork with the pizza... to date, the squirrels in the Park seem to have it down... flashback to 2014...

[Photo by Goggla]

Sunday, January 17, 2016

What other photos of squirrels eating things can we post?

From the Post today:

Thanks to unseasonably warm winter weather, squirrels are fatter than normal this year, says evolutionary ecologist Dr. Andrew G. ­McAdam. Lack of snow makes it easier for them to sniff out food, and they have to expend less energy to keep warm. While they normally might be hunkered in a den this time of year, instead they just keep eating.

Other media outlets noted this trend earlier (here and here).

Anyway, this is a flimsy excuse to repost these photos from Jan. 5, 2014...

These photos in Tompkins Square Park came courtesy of EVG official Squirrel-Pizza Correspondent Goggla.

Your move, Pizza Rat (who may be a fake).

Updated 1:44 p.m.

EVG correspondent Steven is questioning the "squirrels-gaining-weight-this-winter" story... as evidenced by this photo from Tompkins Square Park from the fall showing a husky-size squirrel ...

Updated 1/18

EVG reader Mr. Baggs shared these photos from Thursday... unsure if the squirrel is simply carving the pumpkin...

... or eating it...

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Squirrels continue to evolve in Tompkins Square Park

Photo late this afternoon via EVG reader Steven.

(And no — that's not an acai bowl.)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Reader report: Is there a rabid squirrel near the Tompkins Square Park main playground?

From the EVG inbox this morning...

Saw a black squirrel in Tompkins Square Park playground acting very aggressively and making a horrible growling sound. Never heard a squirrel making any noise before.

It was perched on a branch of a tree in the playground by Avenue A and 9th Street. It would sit perched on a branch wheezing/growling and breathing rapidly, then run off rapidly and return to same branch and repeat same growl.

This tree is on the inside-the-park side fence in middle of playground near the revolving pole with a triangular base.

Tried to report this to Parks Department and to 311 but just got the runaround.

I don't want any kids to be bitten by a rabid squirrel — especially my kid.

According to the Center for Disease Control, rabid squirrels are extremely rare. Per eHow: "Healthy squirrels can be noisy, bold and curious. They often chatter and make scolding sounds at humans and dogs. Rambunctious behavior in squirrels does not denote rabies."

Monday, April 7, 2014

Today in photos of a squirrel eating a banana peel in Tompkins Square Park

The photo from earlier today is via Goggla, who wishes that she videotaped this encounter. "The squirrel was scraping the tasty bits off the peel by rolling it up and then pulling it out between its teeth."


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Today's hawk-vs.-squirrel confrontation doesn't go so well for one of the parties

Tompkins Square Park today … where squirrels continue to tempt fate by fucking with teasing the hawks… As Goggla has written, the hawks have "a no-tolerance policy when it comes to squirrels."


Photo by Bobby Williams

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hello! Is it me you're looking for?

H/t Lionel Ritchie, duh. Photo in Tompkins Square Park by Bobby Williams.