Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tompkins Square Park rats enjoying Irene — so far

A little earlier today via @MichaelTSanchez

Dry land is not just our destination, it is our destiny!

Why yes, I'm quoting from "Waterworld." Illustration by Shawn Chittle. Taking a little Irene break. Back in a few hours. Photos, tips, warnings, rants to

City closes Tompkins Square Park

Angry skies over Lower Manhattan

Photos by Bobby Williams.

First signs of debris

On East Fourth Street. Via EV Grieve reader Duke.

Luke's Lobster has headed for dry land

Seventh Street near First Avenue. Via Elizabeth Frayer.

Irene preparedness as art

On Seventh Street. Photo by Elizabeth Frayer.

Also... on Avenue A...


On Avenue D: 'You leavin'?'

A man walked south on Avenue D ... he stopped along the way to ask acquaintances a question ... You leavin'? Responses: No, Fuck No and We're staying.

Evacuations at Campos Plaza underway

Via faces.

Irene fashion statements: Shower caps for cars

On East Sixth Street via @hula_doll

Drink up, Zone C warriors!

The Parkside Lounge at Houston and Attorney. Via @bitemefoodquest

Your definitive guide to what people were buying at Key Food and Fine Fare leading up to Hurricane Irene

EV Grieve reader Steven sends along the following report...

The line at Key Food extended back to the meat...and beer...

Items being bought up were cereal ...

candles and paper towels...



...spaghetti sauce...

At Fine Fair on Avenue C and 4th Street, it was the beef..

...cookies, on the other hand, were plentiful...