Saturday, January 25, 2025

If there is a huge-ass line on 10th and A in the East Village, then Danny & Coop's must be open

Danny & Coop's Cheesesteaks have popped up again this weekend at 151 Avenue A between Ninth Street and 10th Street. 

Opens at noon today and tomorrow.

Thanks to the reader for the line pic yesterday!


Glenn Belverio said...

Looks like an archival photo from the Soviet Union.

EvHo said...

Go to the other cheesesteak place on Houston and B sheepies.

XXXXXXX said...

Ridiculous. G's cheesesteaks on Ave B is sooo good even if this place is 2 percent better why the hell would I wait on that line the masses are asses

Unknown said...

Wow they are waiting in a line that long in this cold weather for a cheesesteak? I hope it is worth it.

XTC said...

Lol, only thing missing are the babushkas! This line looks like mostly Bros and Meatheads.

Gar said...

Half did it to see Bradley