Post has an
"exclusive" today about an alleged run-in between Alec Baldwin and a
Post reporter and photographer... among other things, he reportedly used a a racial epithet about the photographer, who is black, and said to the reporter "I want you to choke to death." (Baldwin's spokesperson called the racial accusations "completely false.")
Putting aside what may or may not have happened... all the reports say that this confrontation occurred "on an East Village street." It was on East 10th Street outside his apartment building at University Place, which
The New York Times refers to as Greenwich Village.
You may now continue with your Presidents' Day.
I don't believe this story. Not because it's Alec Baldwin, but because it's the Post. If the Post ever wants to do a story on racism, they need look no further than the pages of their own newspaper.
FCUK the Post and FCUK Rupert,
That is Greenwich Village -- right?
Baldwin is a pig. And yes, that is Greenwich Village...in my world, the EV doesn't begin until Third Avenue/Astor Square, more or less.
Baldwin is very good at coming off as a spoiled child, but does it get much lower than a paparazzi that was a member of the NYPD trying to throw around his weight by bragging of his ex-job?
boo hoo. someone takes a picture of me. If this POS wanted fewer pictures taken of him he could move to Darien. The guy's a photo whore. Eff him.
Wow, didn't think we would get people (impliedly) sticking up for the paparazzi, but I guess after the Cooper Union article's comments you'd think I would not be surprised again.
i give this about 12 yucks.
Anyone who has sympathy for an Alec Baldwin is a schmuck.
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