On Friday, someone painted over all the tags in Extra Place…
…the seven-years-in the-making-and-failing-so-far pedestrian mall behind the former alley behind CBGB…
Not sure why the tags were painted over. Because someone deemed them unsightly? Too make way for some new art project? Patrons of the recently opened Momofuku Ko didn't like looking at them?
As for the Momofuku Ko here that took the place of the restaurants Heidi and Extra Place… Per Eater:
Momofuku Ko... has raised the price of dinner to $175, an increase of $50 over the old menu. With that higher cost come more indulgences: the two-Michelin-starred restaurant has lengthened the menu to 17-courses.
So what does this all mean for your wallet? A meal for two at Ko, after tax and tip, will cost $451, a 40 percent hike over the old cost of $322. Add on beverage pairings at $155, and a dinner date will run you $851.
Previously on EV Grieve:
A look inside the incoming Momofuko Ko on Extra Place
With new restaurant opening, will Extra Place finally become a dining destination?
Extra Place now officially a Dead End
Extra Place and Heidi currently 'closed for renovation' in Extra Place
A fool and his money...
"Not sure why the tags were painted over"
The answer is simple.
Like everything in life, there is a smaller number of "quality" graffiti artists and a larger number of "crap" graffiti artists.
Cover the crap, and keep the quality.
There will be plenty more crap to come.
I'll be making reservations right after I post this comment. PSYCH!
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