Workers arrived yesterday to begin erecting the scaffolding and sidewalk bridge around the former SVA dorm on the northeast corner of Third Avenue and 10th Street.
There are now partially approved plans on file with city to convert the building to rentals (luxury) and add two floors.
As The Real Deal reported last November, Slate – a Midtown-based development firm – and RWN Real Estate Partners want to reposition the building as a high-end rental property. The group was apparently able to obtain the 8,000 square feet in unused air rights to add the new floors above the existing structure.
From the looks of the various permits on file, the building will house 41 units with an "outdoor tenant recreation area" on the second floor.
SVA students moved out after the spring 2014 term .. with the students now using a newish residence on East 24th Street at First Avenue.
Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village now down a dorm
High-end rentals and additional floors coming to the former SVA dorm on 3rd Avenue
I wish there was a official government certificatoin for the word "luxury" especially when it comes to rental property. Is "luxury" based on just how expensive an apartment is compared to other similar square foot apartments or is there more to it than that? Do the appliances have to be imported vs a stove from Sears? I would ask a realtor but nothing but bullshit comes out of their mouths so guess we will never find out.
Luxury is just a code word for sucking the blood out of babies while they're alive. All those little children that get blown up by US drones and missle attacks - they are massacred for "luxury". Satan is proud of this society for sure.
That's a switch. In my nabe, they're mostly turning rentals into student housing.
A dorm by any other name.....is still a dorm.
Funny how NYU, Cooper Union, Columbia and Trinity, all four supposedly "non-profits” who pay no property taxes, are really just real estate corporations.
Crazy Eddie makes sense.
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