Renovations continue at 101 E. 10th St., the former SVA dorm at the corner of Third Avenue.
The 5-story building that houses a TD bank hit the market back in the spring. However, it appears that real-estate investment firm Atkins & Breskin still retains the property.
Regardless, the job site has a partial approval from the DOB, which notes a "gut rehabilitation of existing apartment building and change in the number of dwelling units. Obtain amended [Certificate of Occupancy]." So we're looking at a conversion to residential.
The Real Deal originally reported in March that "an additional 7,802 square feet of as-of-right air rights" existed for the building. There's nothing yet on file with the DOB to note any extra floors.
SVA students reportedly left the dorm after the spring term. A school official told The Villager that the school would use a new residence on East 24th Street at First Avenue.
The Grumpy Grievers are going to be really confused as to how to feel about this one:
Less dorms and students - YAY!
More luxury housing - BOO!
Who's going to lead the protest and demand that the real estate company convert this to free shelter for the homeless?
I do not love dorms. But we should also note that NYU students report a shortage of dorm space downtown. My understanding is that a shared dorm room rate is about $2,000 per head per month. So, private landlords price many of their cramped 2 BR apts in the EV and WV for just under that rate, like $3,900, as an example. Not great apts, either.
Today's nyu student, is tomorrow's ev transplant hipster. So it makes no difference really. The owner can get more money from a renter than a student. Therein lies the rub
There is a shortage of dorm space because they keep admitting more and more students without having a plan on how to house them.
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