The inflatable union rat is currently perched outside 51 Astor Place/the IBM Watson Building/Death Star ...
EVG correspondent Steven reports that occupant St. John's University is the target... via the District Council No. 9 Painters and Allied trades, who are protesting claims of the school hiring workers and not giving them the wages and benefits that were established in the area by said District Council.

The crew is handing out flyers...

Maybe later the rat and rabbit can mix it up.
I support the concept of unions but some of their demands are unreasonable.
Oy, is this ever embarrassing.
What demands are unreasonable?
So St. John's is now publicly outed as an organization with the good sense to not do business with unions.
100% employer funded healthcare is unreasonable.
Death Star/Red Storm combo.
?I support the concept of unions but some of their demands are unreasonable." Therefore we should not support unions and kiss what's left of the middle goodbye?
Certain service unions in the City have done more to undermine the overall labor movement than anything other than equity.
You shouldn't have to be a member of a union to get a job. You should get the job and become part of the union. Otherwise we get the friends and family situation we get with many NYC unions.
I like those inflatable rats. They are whimsical and they delight my inner child.
@ 2:39pm 100% employer funded healthcare is not unreasonable for multimilion and multibllion dollar construction companies.
@ 4:23pm (probably 2:39pm) How have certain service unions in the city undermined the overall labor movement? If you're going to make blanket statements at least elaborate on them.
Nepotism is rampant in the private sector and more so than in the public sector.
Unions protect the rights of workers, secure workers liveable wages, and look after the best interests of the worker because the employer more often than not doesn't. You do not have to belong to a union to get a job save in some cases. The majority of jobs in this country are non-union. So you can stop your anti-union bullshit.
Well said, 8:34pm.
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