Skitty managed somehow to get out of the apartment some time last night... here are some basics via the EVG inbox...
Name: Skitty (only fostered with that name for 3 months, so may not respond to it)
male grey medium haired cat, about 18 months old
Lost on East Eighth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C
$200 reward for safe return
Contact: email lostcatev@gmail.com
Updated 5/
Skitty is back home safe! He was found about a block away, hanging out in the building's back garden. Thank you to everyone who offered leads, help, etc.
Hoping this little guy with the sad eyes comes home soon.
Oh no Skitty! Please be found. I'll keep eyes open for him.
Here kitty kitty
Awwww, Skitty, please get home safely...
Last night, between seven and eight p.m., while walking on second street between avenue a and first, a cat that looks like the one pictured ran out in to the sidewalk and hid beneath the parked cars. Another passerby and i commented how concerning it was, as the cat did not look like a stray...
Just saw him on 3rd between Ave A and 1st, he scooted under the fencing around the school construction. Around 10:40pm, sent an e-mail, hope they get it!
Oh no :(
How did the cat escape? Is he in outdoor or indoor cat? I ll keep an eye out for him seeing as I live the next block over. I have a cat as well and can't imagine what I do if something like this happened. Fingers crossed for a safe return.
Noooo. These stories always make me so agitated. Kittens can be such escape artists -- I don't leave my house without a clear headcount (my boy is always present but my girl is a wiggly one). Please come home Skitty.
Time for a LoJack for pets.
DogJack, CatJack, and PetJack (for other pets.)
Also time for a pet finding service with a bloodhound. I saw a service like this on an episode of the looong gone show "Pets With Jobs" on Netflix. This woman found lost pets with a bloodhound. She puts an item with the lost pet's scent on it in front of the bloodhound's nose for it to pick up the scent and the bloodhound finds pets. I could see it having some success in NYC, at least in the outer boroughs.
Thanks everyone for the tips. No luck yet so please keep them coming. This was a new cat so unfortunately not bonded to us yet nor familiar with the neighborhood. It's the worst scenario. But we are remaining hopeful and will keep hanging signs and walking the neighborhood. Social Tees and Ollies are also aware.
So glad to hear Skitty is back home & safe! Thanks, EVGrieve, for the update.
YAY! This has truly made my day! Thanks for keeping us updated, Grieve -
Yay! Thanks for the happy ending update. Skitty is adorable.
Nothing makes me happier than a happy ending to a missing pet story. Good job, neighborhood.
Also: Skitty, you be a good boy and don't go exploring like that again!! Cats are so cute and so naughty.
Not only is it awesome that Skitty is back home safe and sound, but this update is dated for TOMORROW which means it's coming from the future! HOORAY for time-traveling Skitty's rescue!
I am so elated to hear this. Yay. Skitty is home! :)
I've been checking this story constantly. Yay for happy endings!
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