Back on Oct. 12, we shared the news that the Citibank branch at 50 Avenue A between Third Street and Fourth Street is closing in January.
In recent days several EVG readers shared an email that Citi sent to them about the closure:
We are writing to let you know that the Citibank branch at 50 Avenue A, New York, NY 10009 will be closing on January 13, 2017, at 3:00 PM. We’d like to thank you for the opportunity to have served you here, and we assure you that you will receive the same great service, now at a new location.
This will have no effect on your account(s). It may be convenient for you to bank at our Seward Park branch located at 411 Grand St., New York, NY 10002 but remember, you can always visit any of our branches for your banking needs. Plus, you'll continue to enjoy easy access to your account(s), however you choose, with:
• Thousands of fee-free ATMs nationwide¹
• CitiPhone Banking®
• Citibank® Online
• Citi Mobile® App
• Mobile Check Deposit with your smartphone²
• CitiBusiness® Online
We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause you. Thank you again for your continued business.
An EVG reader asked a customer-service rep at the branch about the closing. The rep did not know why this was happening, and that few people were likely to use the Seward Park branch seeing as the Stuy Town location on First Avenue at 15th Street was more convenient for many of the bank's current patrons.
Previously on EV Grieve:
The Citibank branch on Avenue A is closing
I was there Tuesday (Nov. 1) afternoon and asked about the closing. The teller said she thought it was about the lease.
None of the other branches "near by" are near by. This closure really ticks me off as I am not one to pay ATM fees. I hope they can find a way to put some sort of "freestanding" ATM somewhere. Like perhaps in Key Food, Duane Reade, Rite Aid, or even (shudder) a Starbucks.
citibank partners with 7-11 for atm locations...
I moved my money to the Lower East Side Federal Credit Union on Ave B 12 years ago. They charge zero fees and I only use their ATM (it's a half block away) except when I'm traveling. Big banks rob people by charging checking account fees, penalty fees for low balances, etc.
At one time, there was a push to move accounts from big banks to the LESCU, but I just can't bring myself to support them when they are screwing over the residents of their building.
Wait; don't 7-11s have Citibank ATMs?
I left $hitibank several years ago in protest; I put my money in the smaller Fleet bank—the bank that's named after an enema—only to have it swallowed up shortly thereafter by Bank of America. So I moved my money to LESPFCU around the time of Occupy.
Most recently, the credit union has been in talks with tenants in the building, which is why I haven't yanked my money out and run to Amalgamated yet.
If it becomes clear the talks are breaking down, I'll think about going elsewhere, but right now I'm sitting tight.
The credit union at Ave B + Third Street is the best alternative to SHITI-Bank. they charge no fees and they make loans to members of the community, unlike SHITI, which launders money from drug cartels, indebts students beyond their ability to repay and provides funding for the construction of yuppie "luxury" housing in NYC and the KOCH Industries pipeline to run from Canada to the Koch refinery in Texas.
It should be CLEAR where folks should keep their money.
[The issue between the residents of the building has never been made fully clear, by either side, so I am not taking any sides just yet.]
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