It's a short, simple description:
East Village At Its Best* This Apartment is located between Ave A & B. Its a perfect size to divide into a separate bedroom and living room. It also features exposed brick, hardwood floors, high ceilings and other cute detail.
And here we are...

Not sure how this qualifies the neighborhood at its best ... You can find more photos at the listing. And the best has an asking rent of $2,000 monthly. The unit is available starting May 1.
It's not that expensive for a fully furnished apartment with that comfortable - and curated - lived-in look. It even includes one or two blow-up sex dolls. (It's pretty clear that they're not maids.)
No, that's the East Village at its Meh-st.
Are we looking at something specific in the photo? Am I missing it?
I almost lived in this apartment 7 years ago. It was $1450 then and overpriced. $2,000?!
What is the arrow pointing to? I can't see in detail.
She can stay, but I'm not feeding her.
When the recruiter called me, she said that the blog author simply wanted an arrow pointing from the words "East Village at its Best" to the studio in general, not something specific.
Plus, specific requests for arrow pointing costs extra. Like the TV set? Tack on another $5 to my invoice.
This place is actually nicer than mine, ha. But I would question the recommendation to (likely illegally) divide the room.
I will stage this apartment for only 5k with lots of animal skins and gold AK-47 lamps
The Grieve is in Ardor's back pocket! This doesn't stop at Albany...
Not the worst for the entry level "live alone" price points. Just hope you can keep making a little more each year to afford the systematic increases.
Looking at that room makes me feel rich.
Perfect size to divide? Do they mean horizontally or vertically? Not only exposed brick, but an exposed wardrobe on the left. Don't they usually make the bed before the broker takes the money shot?
ARDORNY is a bs r.e. broker. They were merged with Habitat and the head guy was allowed to keep a set of brokers under the ArdorNY brand under his mgnt. But they are tacky pushy types, not any different than a lot of independent rental broker's in Manhattan.
Looking at that room makes me feel like a minimalist. I can only imagined these pictures were taken as the present tenant was packing to move out.
Wouldn't $2000 rent make it stabilized?
Nice one.
Actually, this apartment is on 10 Cloverfield Lane. They should correct that.
There hasn't been a V train in how long?
I moved into that building right after the gut renovation (it used to be a crack house) in 1996....that apartment was $999. It went up $100 every year until I moved out in 2001 ($1399 at that point).
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