[Photo from May 2016]
Plywood signage along 112-120 E. 11th St. between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue pointed to a summer completion for the demolition of this row of circa-1890 tenement buildings...
Workers are right on schedule. The five buildings are gone...
...just some bricks and assorted rubble need to be carted out...
... until work can start on the 13-story hotel for Marriott’s Moxy brand. The Moxy website shows that the 11th Street hotel is expected to open in late 2018.
Previously on EV Grieve:
6-building complex on East 10th Street and East 11th Street sells for $127 million
Report: 300-room hotel planned for East 11th Street
Preservationists say city ignored pitch to designate part of 11th Street as a historic district
Permits filed to demolish 5 buildings on 11th Street to make way for new hotel (58 comments)
At the Moxy hotel protest on 11th Street last evening
There is no affordable housing plan. This demolition seals it. The only true affordable housing available are homeless shelters and hotels.
Lightstone is a long time donor to De Faustio and are getting their money's worth.
This is the result of the Campaign For One New York donations that the mayor was supposed to be indicted for.
Remember when this bastard went to Trump tower to speak with the then president-elect. Surely to get Preet off his back.
I will never forgive DeBlasio for this, never.
What is it that the preservationists wanted? Save the buildings; have some new owner taken them over and invest $$$$ to upgrade them and do f asbestos removal and install elevators? As far as I know this was private property. Once again the myth of "affordable housing." We are never going to see that in Manhattan again. Most of the people who post here, I would assume, are long-term residents of where they live. They suffer, like the rest of us with annual increases (most years). Where is the movement to make landlords open their books for inspection before they are entitled to a rent increase? Don't ask that question because most of our public officials received generous political contributions from landlords.
8:51 AM
Affordable housing is not a myth but a reality when city, state and feds keep working class families as the foundation of healthy and vital neighborhoods. A city like NY has benefitted from that labor force, and keeping neighborhoods affordable to the many waves of immigrants which has enriched this city's financially and culturally in so many ways.
We are living in a time when the city and everything in it is up sale with no foresight to what kind of city this will be in the future. This is capitalism at its very worst where profit is the desired goal over everything else no matter what social harm it brings. The next step which has already begun it the sell off of our assets to private interest. Public land such as parks will become infested with restaurants, private amusement parks where taxpayers will need to purchase admission. Greed knows no boundary and a government put in place by the public is the last defense from a total takeover.
this was a true crime.
the buildings were landmark eligible, full of tenants, not in terrible shape, and there were affordable apartments.
while the demolition may not affect the entire city, it surely is a sign of what the city will be in a few short years. not much is left of our neighborhood - but take a ride around manhattan - what is left anywhere.
there used to be different neighborhoods with different cultures and goods. now every area looks like a mall comprised of chain stores all selling the same thing under different brand names.
This is sheer and utter barbarity, a true crime against the neighborhood.
The buildings may have been landmark eligible, but they didn't pass the intense scrutiny of the Landmarks Commission. I am not quite sure what "not in terrible shape" means. Does anyone know facts about the tenants who left the building? Were they given compensation? Were they helped to find new apartments? I am sure that the posters to EVG, along with myself, will never step foot into the hotel that is to be built on this site. The East Village will survive this change, just as it has survived and continued to thrive through 20+ years of gentrification.
It was a losing battle. There were just too many barbarians at the gate.
This is a sad & unnecessary loss of long-term affordable housing that was landmark-worthy. Those buildings were not cookie-cutter, and the exteriors were gorgeous with the kind of stonework detailing that you don't see on anything new-built.
Meanwhile, regarding Marriott's "Moxy" brand, which is claimed to be aimed at millennials: what happens to that hotel when millennials grow out of the "drink-to-excess at every opportunity" phase?
Someone just commented, in a NY Times article, that Apple doesn't only build phones to appeal to millennials, and their question was why would ANYONE build something that was only designed to appeal to millennials? Maybe someone can ask the bright lights at Marriott that question.
Bottom line: Beautiful, landmark-worthy, affordable housing containing long-term tenants with a stake in this neighborhood and roots here, has now been leveled for a drink-to-excess-encouraging high-end "flophouse" (IMO). The barbarians are not just at the gate, they've smashed the gate and now are demolishing the buildings.
Normal working people who need affordable housing can just go jump in a river, I guess.
Unfortunately no one knew about these plans until the demolition permit was issued. There was not enough time to work on a plan of action. One demonstration was not enough or soon enough.
There were several rent-stabilized tenants (sounds like affordable housing to me) who supposedly were found other apartments. Who knows. Some may have been given paltry buy-outs that wouldn't even get them a co-op in a bad section of Staten Island.
This is all so sad. After Bloomberg I had high hopes for deBlasio but as usual REBNY rules the city.
There is the loss of residential housing and destruction of old buildings which were in scale with the neighborhood.
But building a hotel in a residential neighborhood is a game-changer. This starts the transformation of residential neighborhood to commercial area. Whatever small businesses and services remain will not be able to stay for long as the "needs" of tourists will supplant actual residents.
There will be more traffic - Ubers, delivery trucks, service vehicles. Tourists don't use buses so bus ridership will decline, thus justifying further bus service reductions.
The political implications are significant - as residents are displaced, there will be fewer voters and ultimately complete disappearance of civic participation.
NY was, at one point, truly the city so nice it was named twice. Now - it's Anytown, usa as you stated. It was like a hundred different towns sitting next to each other. Unique. Different. I'm "Proud to be Olde NYC" but it's done. Glad I lived when I lived and experienced what I did in a time worth remembering. Now is a time worth forgetting. Sad.
"But building a hotel in a residential neighborhood is a game-changer."
I assume you must be writing in from a different time zone... this is across the street from Webster Hall, a large movie theater and a post office... there certainly could have been better options, but let's not get on our high horse for blighting that block which is pretty much a garbage-strewn mess every weekend
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