[The end of The Goldfinch shoot on 7th Street via Derek Berg]
City to spend $200 million to finally upgrade heating systems in NYCHA buildings (CBS New York)
Bad landlords will foot temporary tenant relocation costs under proposed legislation via Margaret Chin (Curbed)
Photo essay of the newly renovated 122 Community Arts Center on First Avenue and Ninth Street (Field Condition ... previously)
Post reporter cited for arguing with an NYPD Traffic Enforcement Agent on Second Street (Daily News)
Feb. series highlights the documentary achievements of directors more widely known for their fiction films (Anthology Film Archives)
Richard Hell's No. 1 fan? (The New Yorker)
The Lo-Down has op-eds on the mayor's proposed tech hub — pro (here) and con (here)
A visit to the Double Down Saloon on Avenue A (The New Yorker)
New Beer Distributors closing on Chrystie (BoweryBoogie)
Al Pacino retrospective coming to the Quad in March (EW)
When Keith Haring body painted Grace Jones (Dangerous Minds)
"Cowboys & Aliens" reunion? Daniel Craig and Sam Rockwell spotted at Dan & John's Wings on First Avenue (Page Six)
And via the EVG inbox... the annual fundraiser at the Earth School on Avenue B featuring the Great Cardone and friends... details about tomorrow evening's program on the flyer below...

That guy who 'haunts' Richard Hell sounds like a stalker. And now he's planning something called 'Killing Your Idols'? Uhh...
Beer store!
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