[Yesterday morning]
Several residents have pointed out the over-flowing Big Belly trash cans in and around Tompkins Square Park after two days of warm weather...

The new solar-powered trash cans arrived last July as part of the mayor's $32-million plan to combat vermin in rat-popular neighborhoods, like this one. The Daily News reported at the time that each can costs $7,000.
The city delivered eight more Big Bellies to the Park last fall, and they don't seem to be helping with the overflow of trash, especially during nice days.
H/T Vinny & O and JG!
Previously on EV Grieve:
Looking at the Big Belly 1.0 and 2.0 in and around Tompkins Square Park
Yet another display of lousy city park policies and contracting and de Blasio ignorance and incompetence. Regular trash cans and consistent maintenance to empty them would be sufficient and cheaper.
Tompkins is going to have to get bigger cans, or Christo and Amelia have to start breeding quick to stave off the rat smorgasborgs. (or is it smorgasburghs?)
That said JQ LLC the casual dumping instead of finding a can outside the park on your way to wherever you’re going is pretty inexcusable. Dunno if it’s yuppies racing to their uber or the less fortunate who simply don’t know/care enough to clean up after themselves properly ... but I imagine the 9th precinct could clean up (pun intended) by planning ahead on nice weekends and ticketing the former for littering.
On the busiest day in the park so far this year and they didn't bother to put toilet paper in the women's restroom, or to open the children's restrooms.
They should install 20 cubic yard dumpsters in lieu of these totally ineffectual trash cans
Thankfully the hawks have thinned out the rat population. More hawks!
I hope these photos were sent to the proper authorities.
(who am I kidding? Like that would make a difference)
Every nice day is Trashmageddon Day in Tompkins Square Park. I was in Union Square, Washington Square and East RIver Park this weekend and I didn't see anything as bad as this. It’s a lack of city services, plain and simple. The East Village never gets the kind of services and attention that the West Village and other areas do. From all those boxes also looks like someone is dumping household or commercial trash, plus there are way too many picnic partiers who just dump their Whole Food bags full of trash wherever they please. But at least it's organic trash, so the rats will eat healthy food for a change.
This is from the food distribution to the homeless done in the park. You can tell from the boxes, one even blatantly is for the Styrofoam containers they use... If EV grieve and the community engaged to enforce-- wait for it-- the users of the park having a shred of respect, ACTUALLY PUTTING TRASH IN THE CANS AND DISPOSING OF BULKIER ITEMS IN AN ALTERNATIVE WAY, that would CLEARLY be more effective than blaming everyone else. But ya know, whatever works for you if you just want to hear yourselves complain.
For once I agree with Giovanni. You would never see this in Madison Square or Central Parks.
For once I agree with Anonymous. See, there’s a first time for everythng!
I dont like having to touch thegerm infested handle just to drop in a piece of trash.
At 8:59 AM, Anonymous said...
I dont like having to touch thegerm infested handle just to drop in a piece of trash.
Well, then why don't you carry your wet wipes with you?
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