EVG reader Sara shares these photos from this morning along Ninth Street...when a juvenile Cooper's hawk stopped by bearing a bloody hunk of something in its talons...

Meanwhile, Paul W. had a Cooper's sighting from Seventh Street...

Thanks to Goggla for helping ID the hawk(s) ... at least one Cooper's hawk was recently trying to start some shit with Christo and Amelia, the resident red-tailed hawks of Tompkins Square Park.
As Goggla recently noted:
Cooper's hawks are also in the area. I've counted at least one adult and two immature Cooper's hawks around the park, but there could be more. In the past, the red-tails have mostly tolerated the Cooper's hawks, but as nesting season approaches, Christo and Amelia are getting more aggressive about chasing them out of the area.
Savage beast.
Wow quite impressive and a bit "insane" looking too.
Wow, that tail looks like the kind of prison stripes they make inmates wear up in Sing Sing. Are we sure that isn’t Steve Croman?
I spotted one last Monday morning at 6:30 am as it came to rest on the top of the building parapet located next to the empty lot at second avenue and 1st street.
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