Brown paper now covers the front windows at Cake Shake USA, the extreme milkshake establishment at 514 E. Sixth St. between Avenue A and Avenue B. (The place had been dark since late November, per nearby residents.)
The space was run by Zach Neil, the pop-up theme bar entrepreneur behind Beetle House on Sixth Street as well as the now-closed Will Ferrell bar Stay Classy on the LES and the short-lived 'Merica NYC on Sixth Street. Cake Shake debuted back in August.
The storefront is a good bet to become Neil's latest venture — a Harry Potter-inspired coffee shop called Steamy Hallows. The Wall Street Journal mentioned the coming-soon cafe for the East Village in a feature last week on themed restaurants in NYC.
No address has been mentioned yet for Steamy Hallows, described on Instagram this way: "This witchy goth coffee shop serves up delicious coffee and tea potions, huge homemade cookies, in an atmosphere inspired by Harry Potter & Halloween."
Previously on EV Grieve:
Beetle House founder brings ridiculous milkshakes to 6th Street with Cake Shake
The most optimistic person in the world would eventually give up opening (and closing) theme establishments except this man. Is anyone keeping count?
Pretend this isn't a neighborhood. Pretend this is an amusement park.
Please make it stop.
Of course, the one-trick themetard is at it again.
All the magic in Harry Potters little wand won’t help this tourist trap to succeed either.
Is Zach Neil the M. Night Shymalan of pop up restaurants? One good idea then a string of failures. And yet Hollywood still raises money for M. Night. Zach Neil must have the gift of gab if he can continue to convince people that they are going to make $$$$ if they invest in his ventures.
These are pop up events, they are supposed to close. People who can, do. People who can’t talk shit about people who can on the internet.
@anon 1/13:
Nobody objects to these places closing. The problem is with them opening.
Well, it doesn’t seem to be a problem for the thousands of people whom attend these types of pop up events. Beetle house seems to be doing pretty well, every time I go by it’s packed and has been there for years. To each their own.
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