EVG reader Gacjon shares this tip — Tai Thai, the refreshingly low-key spot at 78 E. First St. between First Avenue and Avenue A, is currently closed.
There's a sign noting a closure for renovations with an abrupt "until further notice!"

We called the restaurant and didn't get any response. Tai Thai also doesn't appear to have any social media accounts that might have news about a closure.
Hopefully this is an actual closed for renovations and not the "closed for renovations" in which the restaurant never reopens.
Updated 6/11
Tai Thai is back open!
Thaimee on Third and 13th also closed about one month ago... SAME SIGN about reneovations!
I don't get why businesses post those signs and just close!
I used to love that place, have not loved it in recent years.
If I was a restaurant owner, I would deliver the obvious truth with the following statement.
"Due to a lack of business and other economic factors, our venture was no longer financially viable. We apologize for this abrupt closure. Many thanks for your loyal patronage. Our guests will be truly missed. Perhaps we will meet once more in another location towards the future. All the best."
How difficult is that? At least it gives others closure.
Just a thought.
Tai Thai is actually closed for a renovation...
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