[Photo Friday by Steven]
Vacant Storefront Week continues... new for-rent signs recently arrived on another prime corner spot — 118 First Ave. at Seventh Street.
The asking rent for the space — 900 square feet with another 900 in the basement — is $13,000, per the listing at KSR.
Golden Food Market closed here in the summer of 2017 after 35 years in business. According to a reader who spoke with the Golden Food Market (aka Ali's) staff, the lease was up for renewal and the new landlord wanted an increase that was more than the store could manage.
As for the new landlord, an LLC with a West 11th Street address bought the building in the spring of 2017 for $5.8 million, per public records.
A tapas-wine bar was in the works for the space in April 2018, but those plans never advanced past the Community Board stage.
Thank you carpet bagger landlords for putting profits over the well-being of our neighborhood.
That's about $450 a day. never mind all the other expenses....if you have 4 employees that is another $800 (assuming rate of $25 hour for labor and all govt taxes and fees @ 8 hour day)...I can't imagine trying to start any business here.
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