Tuesday, November 14, 2023

This East Village lot is now home to this 60-foot-long photograph of a car cemetery in Ukraine

Photos by Steven

Photographer Phil Buehler created this 60-foot-long installation on display (as of Saturday) on the NW corner of Second Avenue and Second Street.

Here's more about the work that he created after a trip to Ukraine:
"Irpin Ukraine: Please Don't Forget Us" is a 60-foot-long photograph of the cemetery of civilian cars destroyed by Russian forces at the beginning of the war. Some were those of civilians shelled as they tried to flee the city in an attack the Human Rights Watch labeled a likely war crime.
Per Buehler's Modern Ruins website:
This installation is up-close and visceral. It serves as a witness to just some of the horror and destruction Ukraine has experienced, a memorial in life-sized detail. It was stitched together from over 30 high-resolution images
... and an up-close look at some of the sections...
The work will be here along this empty lot through Nov. 30. 


marjorie said...

I stumbled on it yesterday -- the sheer size of it and level of detail makes it so powerful and unexpected.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this; will check it out on a neighborhood walk. Thank you to the author as well for his thoughtful and humane perspective.